Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

June Hunt | Crossway

Biblical counselor and radio host June Hart adds the
encouraging Hope for Your Heart: Finding Strength in Life’s Storms to
her numerous books on the subject. With insights gleaned from her longtime
counseling ministry and award-winning radio programs, she focuses on biblical
hope as an anchor for the soul.

Hart describes the different kinds of anchors used by
sailors depending upon the situation and the need. She likens the function of
an anchor to the role of Christ in the believer’s life, whether in safe harbor
or severe storms. The reader will learn many interesting facts about the oceans
and how navigating them relates to life’s circumstances. Experiences from
Hart’s own life and those seeking counsel underscore the effective role of
God’s Word as the believer’s sure hope.

Hart shows that Christian hope is much more than wishful
thinking or mere sentimentalism. Each chapter centers on a Scripture passage
and emphasizes the power of hope to heal the wounded. Written for all
Christians, Hope for Your Heart will also aid pastors and counselors in
their ministry.

Click here to purchase this book.

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