Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. —1 John 4:1

One day I met a friend of mine in the street and I said, “Fred, where are you going?”

“I am going…Oh, I don’t feel I ought to tell you,” he said. “It is a secret between God and me.”

“Now we have prayed together. We have had nights of communication. We have been living in the Spirit,” I said. “Surely there is no secret that could be hid from me by you.”

“I’m going to a spiritualistic meeting,” he said.

“Don’t you think that’s dangerous?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “They are having some special mediums from London.” He meant to say they were having some people from London more filled with the devil than we had in Bradford. They were special devils.

“I am going,” he said, “with the clear knowledge that I am under the blood.”

“Tell me the results,” I requested. He agreed.

Later he told me that the seance had begun, the lights went low, and everything was dismal.

The mediums had tried every possible thing they could for over an hour to get under control. Then the light went up and they said, “We can do nothing tonight. Some here believe in the blood.”

A million thanks, Lord, for the blood of Jesus.
Cover me, my family, and all around me
with the powerful blood of Jesus. Amen.

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