Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

God Wants to Give You Spiritual Gifts

In the late 1950s, the Holy Spirit prepared my heart during a Sunday school class at the Methodist Church in our little town in upstate New York. I was not quite 5 years old. I listened, understood and gave my whole heart to Jesus as my Lord and Savior that morning as I repeated the prayer of salvation.

Our class was encouraged to talk to God and ask Jesus when we wanted something good and honorable. I tried it out many times, and God responded to my prayers in a big way from that moment onward. I soon became a seer, someone who sees into the spiritual world. I am also prophetic, which means I hear from the Holy Spirit.

It wasn’t an easy journey from the beginning as I was the odd one. I never got a pat on the back, and often my family and friends scoffed at me. However, I always obeyed when God gave me an assignment. I was eager to take that first step of faith and followed what He requested of me. God’s will was evident by the results, each time. My family and friends could not deny my gifts even at such an early age.

It is a different time. I am much older and wiser now. The scoffing has mostly stopped and does not bother me anymore. I am thrilled to follow the promptings, nudges and gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit. I know that when I act on His behalf, someone is in for a great blessing.

The Bible states in 1 Corinthians that we are to pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that we may prophesy. Another verse states we are to be eager for a prophetic word. God wants to partner with you to accomplish His goals for your life and others. He is continually working behind the scenes, lining up blessings for us all.

The one requirement of you to be used by God as a seer and prophet is your availability to Him. It’s that easy! God is eager to use your willing spirit. He will equip you for each task. You might hear the voice of the Holy Spirit or a strong thought might zip through your mind. You might even see visions or have a strong feeling about what to do, where to go and what to say on God’s behalf.

To prophesy and see into the spiritual realm are gifts we can all attain, according to the Bible. You may already be prophetic. If not, pray for your gifts to manifest—the results are amazing.

Spiritual gifts are possible for you and they are for God’s glory. Step out in faith now!


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