Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

'Fireproof' Opens Friday Amid Wide Grassroots Support

'Fireproof' Opens Friday Amid Wide Grassroots Support
Christians have been buying advance tickets to pack out showings of
the latest film from the producers of Facing the
'Fireproof' Opens Friday Amid Wide Grassroots Support
[09.26.08] Fireproof, the latest Christian drama from the church-based
moviemakers who scored a surprise hit two years ago with Facing the
, will hit 860 screens nationwide Friday.

The movie, written and produced by two brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick,
depicts the struggle of firefighter Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron), who has drifted
apart from his wife of seven years and is considering a divorce.
“His wife is being wooed by a doctor and counseled by a co-worker, so there
is no easy solution,” Stephen Kendrick says. “There are some unique twists at
the end of the movie. You will find lots of laughter but also some tear-jerking
Cameron, who is best known for his role on the 1980s sitcom Growing
, says he knew he needed to be part of this film from the moment he
read the script. 
“From the minute I read the script, I knew I had to be part of this,” says
Cameron, who was asked to audition for the part because the producers wanted to
ensure that the right person was cast in each role. “I really believe the Lord
… directed them to do this [film].”
The film is part entertainment and part outreach tool. Seeing the film’s
potential to help troubled marriages, pastors nationwide are renting out
theaters and planning to buy tickets for firefighters, who suffer a 75 percent
divorce rate because of the high stress of their job.
Thanks to grass-roots support and bulk purchases from churchgoers, the
movie “could make an impact at the box office this weekend and beyond,” the
Los Angeles Times observed. Rated PG because of the intensity of some of
the firefighting scenes, Fireproof has been No. 1 in advance sales on
movie ticketing site with 31 percent of this week's business.
Even some Christian bookstores have purchased tickets to distribute for
Fireproof showings. Rodney Redmond, owner of the Sanctuary Christian
bookstore in Columbus, Ga., bought 500 tickets for two showings—one for Saturday
and one on Sunday, the (Columbus) Ledger-Enquirer reported.
He told the newspaper that The Love Dare, a marriage book initially written
only to be part of the film, “is already the No. 2 best-seller year-to-date.”
Officials from Broadman and Holman, the book’s publishing house, said The
Love Dare
has sold 300,000 copies and is already in its third printing.
The ultimate goal of this film is to impact lives for Christ, Kendrick
said― adding that the film was saturated with prayer.
“This is a prayer ministry every step of the way,” he says. “We pray when
we write, when we produce, in all of our work.”
The film opens in select theatres Friday. If it has successful box-office
sales this weekend, it will expand to other theaters nationwide.

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