Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


Thank you for highlighting the contribution of Gordon Fee (September) to those who seriously desire to love God with their minds as well as their hearts. I have found his writings to be very helpful in understanding God’s Word. How sad that he is rejected by the evangelical community because he speaks in tongues and by the charismatic-Pentecostal community because he uses his brain.

Jay Satterwhite,
Tucson, Ariz. 


The terrific article about my friend Loren Cunningham could only have been better with more emphasis on the role of his amazing wife, Darlene, in the mission (“Man [and 2.5 Million Youth] With a Mission” by Julian Lukins, September). Darlene is the co-founder of the mission, and it would not be at all what it is today without her! For years Darlene has run the leadership training for YWAM’s leaders internationally and has been key in the identification and documentation of YWAM’s values and principles so they can be implemented in the 1,000-plus bases around the world. I’m sure your readers would be very blessed by an article about Darlene. I heartily recommend one!

Jane L. Crane  
Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.



If Gordon Fee is the first Pentecostal Bible scholar, I pray he is the last. He seems to delight in disproving most everything that Pentecostals and evangelicals believe. He is so caught up in Greek syntaxes, conjugations and textual criticism that he seems to have forgotten that Christianity only requires faith. By my simple faith, God has saved me, healed me, prospered me and supplied all of my need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

O.D. Rackley,
 via e-mail 



In the story about Brian Seeley’s decision to live among the homeless in Florida (Inspire, September), he says: “My heart is that if we could all become more personal in our approach to one another, and specifically the homeless … I think that’s part of what being a Christian is—breaking those barriers.” I love his approach. I believe this is what Jesus would do and wants to do through us. After more than 60 years in ministry my heart resonates with Brian’s. May the church respond in like manner.

Mel Grams,
via e-mail



In response to Fred Bristow’s letter in the September issue, I could not disagree more! His rationale is absurd and judgmental. Self-murder (suicide) is not the unforgivable sin. Many factors contribute—clinical depression and drug interactions to name a few. A Christian who commits suicide does not go to hell—this is in direct conflict with the law of grace and is unscriptural. Suicide is certainly not the final denial of saving grace. Such thinking is harmful and completely untrue. 

Denise Mikkelsen,
Naperville, Ill.



The theme for the August issue, “Why You Need the Holy Spirit,” covered well the classical charismatic position on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which overwhelmingly focuses upon manifestations such as tongues, healing, miracles, prophecy and so on—and I greatly concur with them all. Unfortunately, the lead articles entirely overlooked the great truth of the purpose of the Holy Spirit baptism, as laid out in Acts 1:8: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” This glaring omission has kept the charismatic-Pentecostal movement way behind the front lines of reaching the flood tide of unreached people populating our towns and cities today.

Scott Hinkle,
Red Bank, N.J.



I have been receiving Charisma for a number of years and thoroughly enjoy the accounts of the outpouring of God’s Spirit around the world. In the 35th anniversary issue I did not like part of the article “Milestones in the Charismatic Movement” (August). Many beautiful reports are pointed out. However, along with these were also reports of Spirit-filled ministers falling into sin. Brothers and sisters, these are not milestones in the charismatic movement. These are instead grave markers we need to be ashamed of. We need to be calling on God to lead us in a balanced path of holiness and power.

Ronald Hooper,  
Fort Qu’ Appelle, Saskatchewan 



In the August article “Evidence of the Gift,” Bill Hamon states, “The main reason most Christians do not receive the gift of tongues is their pastors have not taught them that it’s God’s will for them to have it.” A proper exegesis of 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 reveals that everyone will not receive the same gifts and manifestations of the Spirit. There are several reasons many Christians do not speak in tongues. The greatest reason is that God doesn’t need them to speak in tongues to bring glory to His name. It is this kind of misinformed article that causes many to shun the charismatic doctrines. 

B.L. James,
via e-mail



To my brother who responded to the article “Help! I Think I’m Possessed!” (July), you defended homosexuality as a victim, according to Hosea 4:12. Yes, a person is a victim of sin. You also stressed that your homosexuality was “God-given.” That is a lie from Satan. You are just going through the process of being made whole. Brother, sin—not just homosexuality, but all sin—separates us from God. I was a victim of the gay life for 15 years; however, the Lord delivered me in 1986. It was a long process, but I am free today. Because of God’s love for me, He was merciful and full of grace. That is love! Don’t give up. Endure to the end.

Harold Simms Jr.,
Tacoma, Wash.

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