Fri. Sep 20th, 2024



I pray those who are playing around with all kinds of demonic invitations will take William Sudduth’s article seriously (“The Dark Side of Tattoos,” January). I hope they take Sudduth’s advice about how to clear themselves of these influences. There are the few professing Christians left who take Ephesians 6:12 seriously and great multitudes who do not. 

Del Yoder
via e-mail


Although I find William Sudduth’s article on tattoos interesting, I have a very hard time believing that it is based in fact. He says that our body is a temple and that we should not tattoo it, but then goes on to say that a single piercing in the earlobe is acceptable. Can he site his reasoning for this? His article states, “If you have a piercing in other than an ear lobe, remove it.” If tattoos, nose rings, belly button rings, cartilage piercings, and tongue piercings defile the body (our temples) why does an earlobe piercing not? Sorry, Mr. Sudduth, but you can’t have it both ways. 

Brenda Murphy
Frostburg, Maryland

Although I agree with the fact that having tattoos that cover a large portion of your body usually looks disgusting, I don’t think every tattoo is satanic. I don’t have a tattoo, but I was planning to get one to remind myself of the rules I want to try and live by: a “10” for the Ten Commandments, to remind me if I am about to do something I shouldn’t. Surely not every tattoo is related to some satanic practice or god.

Spencer Smith
via e-mail


I think if God is behind what’s taking place in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer, then it’s awesome (“Thousands Flock to IHOP Student ‘Awakening,’” News). Sounds like it, but let God be glorified. So many times God moves, and then we make it our thing or turn it into a business, or try to profit from it. Praise God for salvations.

name withheld


It is sad to see so many Christians running to these meeting because they are hungry. Apparently the churches they go to are not feeding them, and they are not feeding themselves. I am not condemning them; I feel sad for them. Babies will get into all kinds of things. As mature Christians we need to try to turn them around and feed them the truth. Some will eat; most will be stubborn and keep their mouths shut. But all we can do is try.

name withheld


Those offended by Pat Robertson’s remarks (“Pat Robertson Under Fire for Haiti Remarks”; Charisma News Online; Jan. 14) are forgetting our God is a judge and that He will judge! Psalm 89:14 says, “Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne” (KJV). Scripture is full of warnings about the consequences of evil. That is God’s love. He warns and warns. And then, when we continue to choose our own way, His judgment falls. The Christian response to Haiti should be an outpouring of loving aid and assistance. Then a firm reminder to the world that the loving judge is still giving us time to repent and get into the ark before the juggernaut of judgment comes upon the entire world. 

Claudine Shiels
via e-mail


It is shocking that someone who should represent the kindness of Christ chose instead to use the suffering of millions to project a personal agenda of judgment and hardheartedness. Shame on Robertson and the woman who sat silent beside him. He should turn in his Bible or perhaps read the Sermon on the Mount before he speaks again. 

Ana Kinkaid
Seattle, Washington


Pat Robertson has not made any judgments. He has stated facts. Only ignorant people are unable to understand that Robertson seeks to help by telling the truth, no matter how ugly or painful it may be. You can call sin anything you want to if it makes you feel better, but it is still sin in the end.

Barbara Stanley
via e-mail



Only a few Christian discernment and apologetics ministries, of which Harry R. Jackson is a part, have been paying attention to the intersection of the dominionist streams (“Don’t Lose Hope!” by Harry R. Jackson, Charisma online). Apologetics ministries fulfill a scriptural role to examine and expose false doctrines and teachers, and to warn other believers of heresies (see Jude 3; 2 Pet. 2:1). Over the last 20 years, many apologists have become seduced by dominionism, blunting their ability to critically examine this rapidly rising new church era.

Rev. John and Dana Dale
via e-mail 


It seems whenever preachers such as Jentezen Franklin address noble practices such as prayer, tithing, being a good neighbor and even fasting they never fail to remind us how God rewards them with million-dollar blessings (“Start the New Year With Extraordinary Prayer” by Jentezen Franklin, January). Why do these preachers insist on flaunting these big paydays? 

Nick Varga
Osage, Iowa


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