Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

“Angry rhetoric accomplishes nothing … however, truth still must be preached.”

—Denise Mikkelsen



As I understand it, our worship is to glorify God for who He is, not to remind Him of the injustices in the world, which He is already very aware of (“The Gospel and Marvin Gaye” by Jeremy Del Rio and Louis Carlo, May). Yes, I believe justice is part of the gospel message, but part of our worship? I think not. Our worship should empower us to go into the world and stand for justice—and I do believe worship demands a response from us to be more like Him. But what that means is different for each of us.

LaVonna Castle, via e-mail



In my opinion, Charisma is the best Christian magazine going these days. I’m writing this, though, to take sharp exception to part of the article titled “End of the Line” (by Brian Zahnd, May). Although Zahnd is right that Western Christianity has reached a fork in the road, I can tell you from my personal experience that preaching John 14:6—no one comes to the Father except through Jesus—is still an effective tool for reaching the heathens. Yes, one’s lifestyle must reflect the Christian life, as Zahnd says, but how many people get a chance to see our lifestyle before they hear preaching?

Jack W. Roberts, Birchrunville, Pa.


Zahnd’s article certainly shared many vital truths. Angry rhetoric accomplishes nothing, like he said. However, truth still must be preached from our pulpits without compromise and apology. Hell is real—but if we preach it without weeping, it will accomplish nothing. If complete scriptural truth is preached and lived in our churches, the world will see it and know we are His disciples.

Denise Mikkelsen, Naperville, Ill.


Zahnd’s article is wrong on several counts. Charismatic churches on the whole have never been Protestant, but rather “post-Pentecostal accommodative”—sadly morphing to every fad and trend that comes along. Perhaps Zahnd thinks Jesus should have said, “Unless you ignore sin [instead of “repent”], you will all likewise perish.” Zahnd’s comparison of the church triumphant to the Paris Metro is a fatuous allegory.

Rev. Michael R. Bingham Deer Park, Texas



It’s great to know that in the midst of what may have looked and sounded bad, God received the glory from the lives of Isaac and Denisha Pitre (“Love and Remarriage”; May). We have to remember that our lives are not about us but about doing all we can to build up the kingdom of God by reaching as many souls as we can. I thank the couple for enabling God to restore their marriage, because what we saints do is being viewed by others. Congratulations, Pastor and Mrs. Pitre!

Sonya Edwards, via e-mail



I can’t even imagine the grief that Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman and family members have gone through and continue to experience in their loss of this precious child, Maria Sue Chapman (“Surprised by Grief” by Chad Bonham, May). Steven Curtis is a very strong man of faith to talk about it in a way that lifts God up without any answers as to why this would happen. God bless them!

Lori MacGregor, via Facebook


Your article “We Cry Out” (April) left me speechless. But after I recovered, I have not stopped talking about it. Only three days before receiving the issue I had returned home from a weekend of impartation with my youth group. The moment I arrived home I experienced the most real manifestation of God. I was reflecting and praising God for the weekend when I audibly heard many voices saying: “We cry out. We cry out. We cry out.” Satan is attacking my generation because we’re a threat and he wants to silence the cries that God put inside us. Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit guide every article you publish.

Laurel Manion, Weaverville, N.C.



J. Lee Grady’s article was not in 
opposition of laws (“On ‘Cinco de Mayo,’ Please Check Your ‘Actitud’”; Fire in My Bones online; May 5). He seems to be challenging the response of Christians to immigrants—how we as the body of Christ respond to both immigrants and people who are here illegally. He is encouraging us to respond with the love of Christ.

Amy Saavedra, via Facebook

Nobody I know has a problem with the immigration policy. However, nobody I know likes the illegal immigration policy—which is to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. Although I have compassion for these lovely people, the impact they have had in the area I live has been so bad. Just because someone wants immigrants to come legally doesn’t mean they don’t love them.

Melina Thornton, via Facebook


We as a nation need the immigrants’ morality. The people who need to cross our borders to work and eat and feed their families can help us in more ways than we can count. They are more moral than most on Capitol Hill!

Lucy Roberts , via Facebook


The issue is not immigration or immigrants, for after all, the U.S. is a nation of immigrants from all over the world. The issue is illegal immigration. Let us love them, not their illegal activities.

Ariel Tumala, via Facebook


Christian TV may be inefficient in leading people to Christ, but Mary Hutchinson’s column “Snubbed by Christian TV” (March) provides absolutely no evidence to this hypothesis. Hutchinson’s unsubstantiated complaints against unidentified “broadcast ministries” amount to gossip, which violates biblical teaching and fails to meet any legitimate standard of journalism. She should reflect on Matthew 7:3-5 before further criticizing the speck in the eye of the generic broadcast minister. If she is so disappointed by the worldly commercialization of the industry, why does she identify herself primarily as a “donor development professional” with specific contact information for her company? I doubt she would be “snubbed” if she presented herself as a humble Christian, rather than as a holier-than-thou industry insider on a mission to generate leads for her business.

Scott Williams, via e-mail

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