Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


Thank you for publishing the article on Joseph Prince and his ministry (“Prince of Grace” by Karen Ng, June). I have been watching his telecast and reading his books for several months. He has been a well-kept secret! Hopefully the secret is now out and others will become aware of him and the powerful teaching he offers. I’ve been a Christian for more than 30 years. I have studied the Word and sat under some of the best. What Prince shares adds to the foundation. Thank you for helping to spread the news about this man of God.

Winnie Gasper,
Broken Arrow, Okla

In your article Joseph Prince states: “Because of the cross, we can today expect good, we can expect success, we can expect promotion, increase and abundant life.” Why then didn’t Jesus convey that message to the church of Smyrna? Instead He promised them suffering, prison, tribulation and death. Prince also seems to be confused over the difference between justification by faith and remuneration through works.

David Ravenhill,
Siloam Springs, Ark. 

Joseph Prince’s teachings revolutionized my life. One observation I have is that people excitedly receive the Radical Grace Message but then fall back under the law after the excitement wears off. This is a big mistake, since the natural tendency is for us to want the glory for our efforts instead of constantly being reminded that it is God’s grace alone. There is no doubt that this is the message for this time. 

Channie Gittens,
via e-mail



The article on Twilight and responses to it almost left me in shock. I am amazed that good Christian people recommend parts of this book. Some say it gives a godly example. Author Stephanie Meyer says it all started from two dreams, and that in her dreams these vampires were showing good characteristics. I don’t know a lot about vampires, but sucking blood out of animals or humans does not appear to me to be a good attribute. Admiring a vampire for not having sex before marriage is a spirit that is not of God; it is evil. People are calling evil good. 

Iran Cooper,
via e-mail



I am a 15-year-old girl, so you can probably guess that I’m a fan of the Twilight series (“Understanding Twilight” by Adrienne S. Gaines, June). As a Christian, I’ve seen questionable things in the books and films. But my mother and father have both taught me how to understand supernatural and demonic occurrences. I do believe that some aspects of the series are an attack of the enemy to desensitize my peers, and those younger than us, to the occult. However, I pose this question: Shouldn’t the church help children, young adults and adults understand these things? It’s important to know that the Twilight series isn’t the only child/teen-friendly media out there. The Disney Channel is a prime example of child/teen media that is being used as an attack. My parents have told me time and time again that drawing closer to God and hiding His Word in your heart prepares you for any grenade that the enemy can launch. That’s why I am able to watch (and read) things such as Twilight. The main point is that nobody, children or adults, should place themselves in a spiritually compromising situation if they aren’t spiritually ready to handle it. 

Kristen Wells,
Concord, N.C. 

I agree with those in the article who believe Twilight has a lot of moral truth to it that kids don’t often hear these days. I recently went to watch the latest movie in the series, and I’m sure the theater I was in had kids who will never hear at home that they need to remain virgins until marriage. God can use anything for His glory—even a vampire story. So let’s reach the ones that this series is reaching, and stop bashing them and driving them further away. 


Cindy Winters



The articles in Charisma about Joseph Prince and by David Platt (“Calling All Radicals”; June) are an example of complete opposites in reporting on a ministry and the ministry itself. All the “star” photographs of Prince and the exalting of his ministry were not representative of how God wants the ministry to be. His great “success” is irrelevant. Platt, however, truly represents what Jesus is calling His people to be. There is only one small picture of him, which is the right way to represent a servant of the Lord. 

Denise Mikkelsen,
Naperville, Ill.


Regarding “With This Ring … I Give to the Poor” (June): I would not donate my wedding ring because I don’t want to go without a wedding ring and I would end up spending more to replace it. I’d rather just give the money. Yes, I give; I’m not just being critical of the idea. But the point is to just give! Paul says give out of what you have, not what you don’t have. Your giving shouldn’t make life easy for others and hard for you. 

Claire Goudy Henderson,
via Facebook

I would donate my wedding ring. Life is priceless. At the end of the day everything else is just vanity, as Proverbs states.

Dede and Ash Johnson,
via Facebook


On every point in this article by Brian Zahnd (“End of the Line”; May), I say amen! Christians need to stop the victim mentality of how the culture is against us, Satan is against us, etc., and take responsibility for how we’re turning people off to Christ. Getting off the “protest train” (I love that!) is one way to do it. We do need to move forward from being defined by what we’re against to being defined by what we’re for. 

name withheld 


I am such a fan of Charisma. I have learned and grown so much by reading the articles. Through this magazine, I have found many great books, great poets and more. I am learning to pray on a larger scale and to understand the bigger picture. 

Vanessa Nabeta-Kibirige,
via Facebook

I just subscribed again and realized what I had been missing—awesome!

Susan Tucker,
via Facebook

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