Fri. Oct 11th, 2024

My Turn

I wanted to stand up and cheer when I read J. Lee Grady’s column about the dangers of dual covenant theology (Fire in My Bones, October). I have long been a Christian Zionist with a heart for Israel. Two years ago I fulfilled a lifelong dream to tour Israel and had an experience that made me very uncomfortable.

I thought I was with a unified tour group. But things turned strident when all members of the group were forbidden to pray in Jesus’ name. Then some Jewish people instructed us in their lectures to love Israel by praying for it and spending money. We were told not to cause strife by bringing up the name of Jesus.

I grew increasingly uncomfortable with the theology that was being promoted. They told us that God has a separate plan of salvation for the Jews, that none of the promises of Abraham’s descendents are for gentiles and that Jews don’t need Jesus for salvation if they return to the land of Israel.

I kept hoping that I was misunderstanding what this woman was teaching. But day after day, the teaching went on. I turned with satisfaction to your column, and I am glad that leadership in the body of Christ is calling attention to this error.
Dale Austin
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Keep the Flame Burning

As a licensed minister in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), I felt so proud and impressed while reading your anniversary tribute to our church (“The Flame Still Burns” by Louis F. Morgan, November). It featured our founder, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, church history and some of the great men and women of God He used to build the denomination. The research and writing were impeccable!
Colin Bailey
Dayton, Ohio

As a member of COGIC, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the articles about our denomination’s history. We are indeed a blessed church and are happy for God’s continued blessings. It was beautifully and accurately written. And even though I’m a lifetime member, I learned some new information.
Anna Jane Millsaps
South Bend, Indiana

Thank you so much for such a wonderful tribute to COGIC’s 100th anniversary. I have always enjoyed Charisma, and this issue was very special because I am a COGIC member.
JoAnn Hunt
Waldorf, Maryland

The 2008 Presidential Race

It was ironic to read a magazine article about how we should not trust the media to steer us toward “correct” voting (“Don’t Let the Media Choose Our Next President” by James Robison, October). It was even more ironic that the author went on to eulogize Republican candidate Mike Huckabee.

I agree that we need to encourage people to engage their critical faculties, but what worries me is when we have to educate Christians to be wary of leaders manipulating the faith to suit their political agenda.

In a few hundred words Charisma managed to fall into both of these traps. Will you devote a few thousand words to open up the debate and allow readers to get a full picture of what it means to be a Christian who cares about politics?
Craig Borlase
Reading, England

I want to thank Stephen Strang for the great endorsement of Mike Huckabee (Final Word, August). It spurred me to learn more about this man. I am now an avid supporter. Please use your influence and resources to continue to motivate believers to get behind this fine Christian leader.
Sandra Click
Big Sandy, Texas

I agree that former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas is the candidate “who best represents Christian values and has the most experience to govern.” However, he has no money to run a presidential campaign. As Pat Robertson has noted, Huckabee cannot compete in states like California without money.

Are leaders such as Stephen Strang, James Robison and others able and willing to ignite Christians to fund Huckabee’s campaign? I certainly hope so.
Harriet Hope
Marietta, Georgia

I was shocked to read in Charisma that preacher Juanita Bynum plans to support Barack Hussein Obama for president. Yes, his middle name is Hussein. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Bynum had better get on her knees in prayer before casting a vote for this deceitful man.
F. Stocks
Big Spring, Texas

The Senate Financial Probe

It is very sad that six high-profile ministries are now under investigation by the Senate Finance Committee (Charisma Online, Nov. 9). When we lose our spiritual perspective and become blinded by inflated egos, we can easily fall into deception and be led astray.

We need to pray for these who are under investigation. If there were extravagant, unwise or selfish spending practices, I pray this will be exposed for the eternal good of our Lord’s kingdom.
G. Joyce Stark
Portland, Tennessee

Charisma is calling the church to hold ministers accountable for their excesses (Fire in My Bones online, Nov. 9), but you do nothing to hold any of these ministries accountable. They advertise their books and services in Charisma, and you continue to collect revenue.
Harry Olson
Duncanville, Texas

Sen. Charles Grassley’s financial investigation will help these ministers realize they are accountable. There needs to be reform and repentance. I believe the drought in Atlanta is directly related to this incident.
Donna Edwards
Marshall, Illinois

Immorality and deception have crept into the church. Many pastors are leaving their true calling so they can pursue the world’s rewards. Jesus called us to reprove, rebuke, exhort, love and nurture people in God’s Word. Thank you for reminding us what true ministry is about.
Wayne Guilliams
Covington, Kentucky

These ministers who are under investigation have really hurt the cause of Jesus Christ! My heart is broken because I know many young, gullible Christians who feel betrayed and confused.
Wayne Cooper
Pasadena, California

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