For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. —Philippians 1:21
I believe that it is possible for God to sweep a company right into the glory before the rapture just as well as at the rapture. May God grant unto us a very keen inward discerning of our heart’s purity. We want to go. It is far better for us to go, but it is far better for the church that we stay.
If you could but comprehend this word of truth that Paul spoke, “It is far better for me to go,” you would never take a pill or use a plaster. You would never do anything to save yourself from going if you believed it was better to go. There is a definite, inward motion of the power of God for the human life to so change that we would not lift a finger, believing it was far better to go.
“Lord, for the purpose of being a blessing, further for Thy sake and for the sake of the church, just keep us full of life to stay.”
Jesus, going on with You is better than life itself.
I desire to be filled with Thy
life now and forever. Amen.