Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Always check your blind spots.

That timeless advice we learned in driver’s ed likely is part of the reason you’re reading this. Just as it is on the road, churches also can have blind spots that can leave them vulnerable to attacks of various kinds.

Legal threats to the religious freedom of a church’s ministry can be especially serious. Some of the things churches do—or don’t do—might put their ministry and their religious liberty at risk.

Unfortunately, many churches are unaware of situations where religious liberty challenges may arise. Maybe they don’t have a clearly defined statement of faith that includes the cultural issues pressing most urgently on the church. Or they haven’t implemented a comprehensive facilities use policy. Maybe they simply filled a ministerial job without using proper position descriptions.

Legal challenges to First Amendment freedoms are on the rise. At any given moment, Alliance Defending Freedom is handling approximately 50 legal issues involving the religious liberty of churches.

Your inalienable right to freedom of religion is not to be taken for granted. But religious freedom must be stewarded well to preserve it not only for this generation but for those to come. Having someone knowledgeable who can point out the blind spots in your church allows you to steward your church’s freedom and can even help to avoid a legal challenge.

Click here for more information on how you can keep your church protected.


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