Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Columbian Christian family splintered by violence

In the jungles of Colombia a young family attempts to pastor a small church where few dare go—where cocaine plantations and guerrilla terrorists abound.  Despite the danger, Luz and Diego are determined to answer God’s call. They have one young child, and Luz is pregnant with twins.

Their mission lasts only 15 days. Then Diego is martyred for his faith in Jesus Christ. His dismembered body is left on Luz’s doorstep in a garbage bag. 

Luz’s young daughter asks, “Where is Daddy?” “He’s not coming back,” Luz answers. “He is with Jesus.”

When The Voice of the Martyrs’ (VOM) Colombian workers heard about Luz’s plight they stepped in to help. Through VOM’s Families of Martyrs Fund, widows such as Luz receive counseling and spiritual healing as they grieve for their husbands. They are also trained in a new livelihood. 

“I never would have made it without my faith in God,” Luz told a VOM worker. “It has been very hard. God gives me strength to go on.” Thanks to the Families of Martyrs fund and Luz’s faith in God, she is no longer overwhelmed with grief. She is now a businesswoman with strong faith and a peace that passes all understanding. She is thankful for God’s sustaining power and the support she received from VOM. 

The families of Christian martyrs desperately need our help. By contributing to VOM’s Families of Martyrs Fund, you can help bring comfort and peace to families like Luz’s. This is just one story of one family, but many more need our help. 

Now’s your chance to join the multitudes of Christians providing support to those who need it most. Support the Families of Martyrs Fund, and make a difference.

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