Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Christian Doc Fights for Job After Prescribing Jesus


A Christian general practitioner is facing the threat of being struck off for suggesting a patient could find solace in Jesus.

But Dr. Richard Scott said yesterday that it was worth the risk if he could ‘make a stand’ for his faith. Scott, 50, was placed under official investigation for talking to a patient about Jesus.

The Cambridge-educated GP, who used to be a medical missionary and
surgeon in Tanzania and India, has refused to accept a formal warning
from the General Medical Council, which said he risked bringing his
profession into disrepute by discussing Christianity.

He is preparing to appeal against the censure–even though he has been warned this could result in him being struck off.

Scott insists no guidelines were breached as religion was
mentioned only during a ‘consensual discussion between two adults’ after
he had carried out a thorough and lengthy consultation with a patient
last year at his Christian-orientated practice in Margate, Ky.

The father of three, whose wife Heather, 50, is also a doctor, is
fighting to have the formal warning removed from his unblemished record–maintaining that he acted professionally and within the medical
regulator’s guidelines.

Read the rest of this story in the Daily Mail.

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