Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


God’s Answer to The Spice Girls?

They are often labeled “the Christian Spice Girls.” But an entirely different kind of “girl power” emanates from the four-piece band, Shine. These young women all attend charismatic churches in England, and are using hip music and dance to minister in schools.

At the time of writing they were touring America and performed before a 20,000-strong crowd in
Dallas. So effective has Shine become with their outreach program that back home they usually see 20-30 students respond to the gospel at each school. They’ve established links with local churches to follow up conversions.

They admit there’s a fall-off rate, but they don’t base success on a set of results. “We recognize the privilege of being able to speak
to a whole school,” said one of this unusual “gang of four”– 24-year-old Loretta Andrews.

Andrews spent a year working with Christian dance band The World Wide Message Tribe. “I saw so many teen-agers coming to know Jesus,” she explained, “I just wanted to carry on reaching young people.”

She returned to her hometown Milton Keynes, an ultramodern city used as a backdrop in one of the Superman movies. With twin sister Natasha she worked as a session vocalist, singing for such stars as Diana Ross and Sting.

They teamed up with Hanne
Pettersen and Nicola Rodgers, both 22. All the girls had attended the Christian-run School of
Ministry in London. They received extra training from Mark Pennells, who worked with the Tribe.

Shine had all the elements of a classic all-girl band, even down to Rodgers’ red hair. But it wasn’t instant success.
By day they were a local singing sensation. At night they worked at the post office.

Mark Pennells took a demo to the States. From then on, record companies lined up to sign them. They recorded their first album Do It Right, with its contemporary mix of bright and bouncy pop and soul.

So what about the Spice Girls comparison? “As long as we don’t get compared with them in personality and dress,” Andrews joked.

–Clive Price


Have Enough Points for Heaven?

A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the Pearly Gates.

“Here’s how it works,” St. Peter says. “You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you’ve done, and I give you a
certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you can get in.”

“OK,” the man says. “I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her, even in my heart.”

“That’s wonderful,” St. Peter replies. “That’s worth three points.”

“Three points?” the man responds.

“Well…I attended church all my life and supported its ministry with my tithe and

“Terrific!” St. Peter says. “That’s certainly worth a point.”

“One point?” the man complains. “Well, I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans.”

“Fantastic…that’s good for two more points,” St. Peter announces.

“Two points?” the man whines. “At this rate, the only way I get into heaven is by the grace of God!”

“Bingo! 100 points! Come on in!” St. Peter exclaims.


Five Million Kids To Get Book of Hope In Brazil

In Brazil, a land known for its stunning beauty and romantic paradise, hopelessness prevails amid an increasing climate of violent crime and suicide. Enter The Book of Hope, a book published by Book of Hope International that explains the gospel in simple terms.

By October, 5,000 churches had partnered to hand out millions of copies of the book to as many of the 5 million children in Brazil’s 9,327 schools as possible. The
governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro gave the ministry permission to distribute the books.

The distribution will be handled during a two-week period through Rio’s public schools, accompanied by evangelism crusades three days each week. Attendance at the crusades is anticipated to be approximately 25,000 at each of the 12 events.

Book of Hope is an international evangelistic organization within the Assemblies of God’s Foreign Missions division. It began in 1987 after founder Bob Hoskins got a vision from God to provide the gospel to the

world’s youth. The Book of Hope was written by a team of scholars and editors who were working with Vida/Life Publishers.

The ministry distributed its 100 millionth copy last month. See for more information.

–Billy Bruce

‘Prayer Box’ Takes God to the Workplace

Charismatic prayer leader Terry Teykl wants Christians to get involved in touching the world by interceding for their needs.

Concerned about the chasm between churches and society, the leader of Renewal Ministries has kicked off a “Prayer Force in the Workplace” campaign. It features prayer boxes that are placed in such businesses as bars, banks and muffler shops to solicit requests.

First made available in March, congregations and prayer groups ordered more than 5,200 boxes in five months. Teykl’s vision is to enlist prayer for 1 million businesses nationwide.

“I call it Box 3:16–God’s address for hurting people,” said the former United Methodist pastor, who became an itinerant teacher four years ago.

“Sometimes the church becomes a spiritual massage parlor where we prophesy over ourselves and pray for ourselves. There are so many people in the secular marketplace who don’t have anyone to pray for them,” Teykl added.

Jan Goff, who books the Houston-based teacher’s speaking engagements, sees early signs of interest through her Muncie, Ind., church’s effort.

One box placed in a local credit union generated 50 prayer requests the first week, all concerning people’s marital problems. Goff’s husband has been praying for a mother of three whose husband abandoned her, and their dentist asked if they would take him to church after they put a box in his office.

–Ken Walker


In our November issue, don’t miss our exclusive interview with Gov. George W. Bush, conducted by Charisma editor J. Lee Grady.

Plus: Get a closer look at the faith of Al Gore and vice presidential candidates Sen. Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney.

Visit us online at for sneak previews of the Bush interview and lively chat about religion and politics. Look for the “Election 2000” icon.


No. 1 Christian hardback: Payne Stewart: The Authorized Biography, Tracey Stewart with Ken Abraham (Broadman and Holman)

No. 1 paperback: The Power of a Praying Wife, Stormie Omartian (Harvest House)

No. 1 fiction book: Left Behind, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (Tyndale)

No. 1 CD: Mountain High Valley Low, Yolanda Adams (Elektra)

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