Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Charisma Online December 2010

Handling a Shattered World

Handling a Shattered World

At age 33, evangelist Christine Caine discovered a secret so powerful it changed how she viewed her past, present and future: Her mother confirmed that she and her brother had been adopted. What Caine believed about her birth and heritage was false. She thought her world had been shattered.

What do you do when it feels as if everything is crumbling around you? Watch as Caine shares her testimony of overcoming one of her greatest struggles and tells of how Christians should view circumstances that are out of their control at

Charisma Digital Moves up the Ranks
Charisma Digital Moves up the Ranks 

According to a leading digital magazine provider, Charisma’s digital edition experience ranks in the top five of both secular and Christian magazines. We’re proud of our digital issues and don’t want you to miss out. Each month we load them with digital-only features, videos, podcasts and photo galleries in addition to our print magazine articles. Plus, in the spirit of the holidays, we’ve neatly wrapped this month’s issue in an easy to read format. Go to to explore our acclaimed digital magazine. 

Look Who’s in the Hood
Look Who’s in the Hood

Matthew Barnett knows how to take ministry outside the four walls of the church and transform entire communities with the gospel. He’s watched the Dream Center in downtown Los Angeles grow from a group of 39 people in 1994 to reaching 40,000 every week. On Dec. 7, at 9 p.m. (EST) Barnett will share his approach to creative ministry and how you can make a lasting impact in your area. Join the call and submit your questions at  

Stumped by the Bible?
Stumped by the Bible?

The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to show ourselves approved to God, “accurately handling the word of truth” (NASB). So what do you do when a verse or topic in the God’s Word leaves you baffled? We know how you feel, which is why we’ve gathered Bible scholars and teachers to answer your toughest Bible queries. Send your questions to [email protected]. Your submission and the answer may appear in a future issue of the magazine. 

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