Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Charisma Online December 2009

Do-It-Yourself Gift Ideas

Do-It-Yourself Gift Ideas

Do-It-Yourself Gift Ideas

The current economic situation has affected every area of our lives, including our elaborate Christmas budgets. Go to to find creative, sentimental and inexpensive do-it-yourself gift ideas. Sometimes the best gifts cost only a little time.




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Charisma Tweeps

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Want to learn biblical lessons from sheep, farming, bees and vines? Then visit to win a copy of Margaret Feinberg’s new book, Scouting the Divine: My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey.







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Charisma magazine Do you think you are entitled to a loving husband or wife, obedient children, and a lovely home in a tree-shaded neighborhood? The opposite of embracing your portion in life is feeling you are entitled to a portion that you are really not to have. —Chuck Pierce

12:02pm • Comment • Like • Share

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I recently came to the realization that I have had an entitlement mentality. I am now trying to submit to what God has provided me with and what He has called me to do. It’s not easy and sometimes I think the church sends mixed messages in trying to speak about power and promises.

12:10pm • Comment • Like • Share

Care to explain further how the church sends “mixed messages?”

1:12pm • Comment • Like • Share

Many ministers and churches act as though it is our right to “success”—American style. We portray a sort of entitlement/agreement faith to people. A formulated faith, A + B = C. We are thinking about getting what we want with little pain or struggle and feeling that we have a right because we are children of the King.

3:11pm • Comment • Like • Share

I agree. I struggle with the fact that the Word says: “Ask and you will receive” and “You have not because you ask not.” I have asked, and yet I don’t have. The conclusion that I have drawn from that is that God is not punishing me; in fact I love the Scripture … that says the Lord withholds no good thing from those He loves.

4:12pm • Comment • Like • Share

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