Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

For he [Jesus] said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. —Mark 5:8

After many calls, letters, and requests, I went to London. When I got there, the dear father and mother of the needy one took my hands, led me up onto a balcony, and pointed to a door that was open a little. I went in that door and have never seen a sight like it in my life.

I saw a young woman, beautiful to look at, but she had four big men holding her down to the floor. Her eyes rolled, and she could not speak. She was exactly like that man who saw Jesus and ran out from the tombs.

The power of Satan was so great upon this beautiful girl that she whirled and broke away from the four strong men.

The Spirit of the Lord was wonderful in me, and I went right up to her, looked into her face, seeing the evil powers there.

Her very eyes flashed with demon power. “In the name of Jesus,” I said, “I command you to leave! Though you are many, I command you to leave this moment in the name of Jesus.”

She instantly became sick and vomited out thirty-seven evil spirits, giving them a name as they came out. That day she was made as perfect as anybody.

At the name of Jesus, every
demon must flee. Amen.

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