Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Leader Says the Bible’s Not Enough


April 3, 2009 — A British-based nonprofit organization, now with a base in Texas, is supplying pastors in the Third World with free Christian literature in an effort to support church growth.

Through more than 20 years of ministry, Sovereign World Trust has shipped free theological books and training materials to disciple new Christians and train church leaders.

“God really spoke to me and said that after the Bible, people really needed material to interpret it and preach it,” said founder Jan Mungeam. “I felt God saying, ‘I will use literature to help build My kingdom, but don’t forget the nations that couldn’t afford to buy it.”

Roughly 2 million books, translated into 42 languages, have been distributed to 140 nations to date and the number is growing.

Most of the books came from charismatic publisher Sovereign World Books, founded by Jan’s husband, Chris Mungeam. But other titles have been donated or purchased at deep discounts from other publishers. Donations support costs to reprint the books translated into other languages and to ship them to various nations.

Jan Mungeam said her goal is not merely to inform. “I’m trying to help the church grow, build the Kingdom of God,” she says. “One book was taken into a village in Burma … and the village of 70 people came to Christ.

“Then [the evangelist] was able to go back and explain the Holy Spirit, and take them Bibles. We see how communities have changed. Lives are changed rather than just making someone smarter.”


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