Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Brady Boyd Home After Heart Surgery


Pastor Brady Boyd, senior pastor at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., is recovering from heart surgery—and it seems his sense of humor remains intact. 

On Wednesday morning, Boyd tweeted: “Since a cow’s aorta was used in my pulmonary valve replacement surgery, I totally get those Chick-fil-a commercials.”

Then, five hours ago, he tweeted again: “8 nights in the hospital. Countless needle pricks. Three significant cardio procedures. Awful hospital food. I am now ready for home.”

Boyd had heart surgery on June 10. Earlier this week, the last tube attached to his chest was removed, according to Karla Leathers, Boyd’s executive assistant.

“Pastor Brady continues to recover from three significant procedures on his heart and is taking regular walks around the hospital hallways as he regains his strength,” Leathers wrote in an email to Charisma. “Please continue to pray for him as his heart responds to all the new and improved blood flow, and his body completely heals from the surgery.”

Brady was released from the hospital on Friday, and doctors expect him to heal rapidly. Late Friday afternoon, Brady arrived home, a place he called in a tweet, “one of the central places for my healing.”

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