Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. —Romans 5:11

Atonement is “at-one-ment.” Perfect association is being at one in Christ. Whatever His appointment in the earth, whatever He was, we have been joined up to Him in “one-ment.”

The atonement is “one-ment,” meaning that He has absolutely taken every vestige of human deformity, depravity, lack of comprehension, and inactivity of faith and has nailed it to the cross. It’s forever on the cross. You died with Him on the cross. If you will only believe you are dead with Him, you are dead indeed to sin and alive to righteousness.

There is not a vestige of human weakness in His righteousness. If I dare believe, then I am so in order with God’s Son that He makes me perfect, at one with Him, no sin, no blemish, no failure, absolutely a perfect atonement till there isn’t a vestige of weakness left.

Dare you believe it? If you dare believe now, then oneness, purity, power, and eternal fact are working through you.

Lord Jesus, I believe that Thy atonement
makes me one with Thee. Amen.

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