Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Become a Culture-Shaper in DC March 28-31

Our nation has never needed Christian culture shapers more than right now. Who could imagine infanticide in the United States of America? Yet we are seeing it right in front of our eyes. Years ago, Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham revealed that if we were going to influence culture, we had to develop a strategy around seven key areas: business, government, arts and entertainment, media, family, education and the church. If we are going to turn our nation back to God, it is going to take a group of committed believers to come together to reverse the trend we are seeing in our nation today.

William Wilberforce had 69 world-changing initiatives that resulted from just 18 individuals who used their time, talent and treasure to impact their culture. This group abolished slavery and reversed many of the ills that plagued England. We can do the same today, so please join 50 top leaders who will be sharing with you at the 2019 Culture Shapers Summit on how we can turn this nation back to God. Speakers Roma Downey, Tony Perkins, Hugh Hewitt, Lance Wallnau, Os Hillman, Del Tackett, A.R. Bernard and many other top level leaders will convene in Washington, D.C. Join us March 28-31. Visit

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