Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

At Last, a Family Finds Freedom


Jyotirdhar Patil did not know what to do. A demon had possessed his wife and caused her to go hysterical, creating problems for her family. Although Jyotirdhar tried almost everything to get the demon to leave, including consulting witchdoctors and mediums, nothing worked.

Jyotirdhar began going to prayer meetings at a local fellowship. He still did not know Jesus, however, and his wife remained demon possessed.

At the prayer meetings, he met Pathik, a believer who belonged to a church led by Gospel for Asia-supported pastor Mihir Gavde. Pathik invited Jyotirdhar to his fellowship. At first Jyotirdhar was hesitant to visit a new church, but the Spirit compelled him to go.

When Pastor Mihir noticed him in the congregation for the first time, he recalls sensing “a feeling of dejection and demonic attack upon this family.” After the service, Mihir went to Jyotirdhar and asked him about his family, and Jyotirdhar opened up about some of the woes they were facing.

Mihir went to Jyotirdhar’s house, prayed for his wife, and the demon immediately left her! She started acting normally and doing her usual household tasks.

That very day, Jyotirdhar and his wife chose to make Jesus their Lord. Jyotirdhar is even serving as the treasurer of the church! Following Christ faithfully, they join hands in prayer whenever either of them is sick, and God hears them.

Please pray that Jyotirdhar and his wife continue to grow spiritually and remain steadfast in their faith, undeterred by their circumstances, to bear fruit for their Savior.

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