Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are You Really a Good Steward With Your Money?

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?” (Matt. 16:26).

The way we invest not only affects our financial goals, but it affects the broader culture. When we choose to invest in any security, we become owners in a company and help support (financially) the mission and vision of that company. Timothy Plan allows you to invest in companies whose products and practices bring real blessing to the broader culture. We believe this is a better kind of investing.

Timothy Plan exists to promote biblically responsible investing. Our foundational principle of investing is that God owns everything. This is why our funds take a pro-life, pro-family approach to investing—not only to benefit the investor but the broader culture. We are firmly committed to running a mutual fund company with the integrity, excellence and wisdom that bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus.

Investing With a Clear Conscience

Our commitment is that we will not invest a single penny into any company that violates our screens. Timothy Plan’s mission is to enable you to invest with a clear conscience.

Visit to find out if your investment portfolio lines up with your beliefs.


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