Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are Tea Party Protesters Racists At Heart?


I don’t read Esquire magazine, but with a circulation estimated at 700,000 it’s clear that the publication has a loyal following. So when comedians like Chris Rock start using words like “racism” within its pages, it gets the attention of subscribers and non-subscribers alike.

In the March issue of Esquire, writer Scott Raab interviewed the comical superstar. Raab shared with Rock how he cried the night Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American president of the United States. He called it a “high point in American history.”

But then the tone of the interview turned. When Raab asked Rock to weigh in on the “sh—storm of hatred” since the election, subtle accusations of racism came against members of the Tea Party movement.

“I actually like it, in the sense that—you got kids?” Rock responded. “Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last—this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them—and the next thing you know, they’re f—ing knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now.”

Some African-Americans are taking exception to Rock’s allegations and are slinging racism accusations back at the former Saturday Night Live star.

Indeed, Lloyd Marcus, a black Tea Party spokesperson and author of “Confessions of a Black Conservative,” feels that Rock’s statement was an unfounded and undocumented accusation that suggests millions of white Tea Party patriots are motivated only by racism against a black man. Given Rock’s high profile platform, Marcus feels Rock’s comments were irresponsible, divisive—and racist.

“A Bible parable speaks of a rich man who is suffering in hell. He sees Lazarus in paradise and pleads with him to send someone to warn his brothers so they will not suffer his fate. The man is told such an effort would be useless. His brothers will not believe,” Marcus says. “I am convinced there are poor souls, black and white, who are so consumed with their own prejudices and ‘mind numb’ liberal mindsets, and they will never believe the truth about the Tea Party or Obama.”

Chris Rock could not immediately be reached to respond to Marcus. If Rock’s publicist responds, Charisma News will offer an update.

Do you feel Tea Party protesters are racist?

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