Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

April 2018: Back to Basics


Back to Basics – The Greatest Commandments

Francis Chan explains why the church’s next step is a radical return to its roots. Loving God and loving others have become his sole focus.


The Psalm 112 Promise

Following the Psalm 112 promise leads to a life of stability and prosperity rather tham one of insecurity and double-mindedness.

The Legacy of Billy Graham

Billy Graham spent more than 60 years evangelizing the world. In this issue, we celebrate his life and legacy.

It’s Time to Clean House

The charismatic-Pentecostal movement is guilty of harboring abuse. We must waste no more time but purge this sin from among us.

Renew Your Strength

In this hurried and harried age, spirit-led Christians can find true rest as they look to God in faith that He has all things under His control


‘People are not projects’ says pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr.

Kathy Lee Gifford’s trip to Israel revolutionizes her faith.

Author urges women to stop comparing and start supporting.

Faithful ‘hospice mama’ cares for terminally ill babies.


This month’s resources:

Let There Be Light

Jentezen Franklin’s, Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt

and more.


Jordan Feliz’s, Future

Remedy Drive’s, The North Star

Benham Brothers’, Miracle in Shreveport

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