Americans More Prayerful, Biblically Literate Than Europeans

Poll: Two-thirds of American respondents said they had read the Bible over the last 12 months while only 20 to 38 percent of European participants said they'd read the Bible in the last year.
Americans More Prayerful, Biblically Literate Than Europeans

[04.30.08] A new poll shows that Americans are more prayerful and biblically literate than citizens of other Christian-populated European nations reported Reuters.

Two-thirds of American respondents said they had read from the Bible over the last 12 months while only 20 percent to 38 percent of Poll: Two-thirds of American respondents said they had read the Bible over the last 12 months while only 20 to 38 percent of European participants said they'd read the Bible in the last year.  s from the other eight countries—Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Spain and Poland—reported reading the Bible over the last year.

According to the study, conducted by GFK Eurisko research group for the Catholic Biblical Federation, nearly all Americans (93 percent) said they had a Bible at home, compared to the French who were the least likely to have a Bible at home (48 percent).

Reuters reports that Americans also prayed far more than members in other countries. Most Americans prayed (87 percent), while the French prayed the least (49 percent).

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