Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Abortionists Sue to Block Kansas Abortion Safety Law


AP Photo/Stephen Jones

father-daughter abortionist team of Herbert Hodes and Traci Nauser
filed suit in Federal Court on Tuesday to block the implementation of a
new Kansas abortion clinic safety law that requires offices that supply
five or more abortions per month to pass inspections and become licensed
by the state.

The abortionists have cancelled a scheduled inspection of their Center
for Women’s Health abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kan., and are seeking a
temporary restraining order to block implementation of the new law. No
hearing date had been set as of this writing.

The federal magistrate assigned to the case is K. Gary Sebelius, the husband of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius,
who is also the former governor of Kansas. While governor, Sebelius vetoed similar clinic safety bills on at least three occasions.

“We were shocked to learn that Mr. Sebelius could have anything to do
with this case. His wife’s administration worked actively to shield
abortionists from any accountability under the law. We call on Mr.
Sebelius to immediately recues himself,” says Operation Rescue President
Troy Newman.

The head of the Kansas Department of Health and
Environment on Tuesday issued a statement saying that none of the clinics inspected
so far have passed. If Hodes and Nauser fail to block implementation of
the law, Kansas could become the first abortion-free state as of July

Besides the Hodes clinic, there are two other abortion clinics in
Kansas. Aid for Women in Kansas City has already been denied a license
based on information in their application. Planned Parenthood of
Overland Park was inspected last week and still contends that it can be
in compliance with the new law by the July 1 deadline, but the KDHE has
not yet issued it a license.

“Kansas has a history of having some of the worst abortion clinics in
the nation. The abortionists have fought licensing and inspections for
years because they know they provide substandard services that simply
cannot meet up to even the most basic health and safety standards,” says

“Can you imagine any other business refusing to comply with the
law? What if a restaurant suddenly stopped submitting to health
inspections, or a factory barring OSHA from inspecting, or a coal plant
telling the EPA to jump off. Abortionists want to be in a different
category, one that is above the law, and that is a dangerous attitude to
have in any profession. If abortion clinics cannot or will not clean up
as required by law, they deserve to be closed.”

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