Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Great Ways to Get Your Kids Reading (and Loving) the Bible

How many times has this happened to you? You fully intend to set aside time to read your Bible, but your day gets in the way. Make breakfast. Pack the kids’ lunches. Drop them off at school. Do the laundry. Go grocery shopping. Pay bills. Pick the kids up. Soccer practice. Get dinner on table. Help with homework. Watch TV. Crawl into bed and…scene!

As hard as it is for you to read the Bible as an adult, just think how much tougher it is to get your kids to read it. How can you encourage your child to develop a lifelong habit of reading and loving the Bible? Here’s three thoughts to consider:

Start Them Early

Studies show that in the first six years, children learn at a much faster pace than at any other time in their lives. Introducing them to the Bible at an early age will not only help them develop better reading skills, it will create a connection between them and God right from the start.

Looking for a fun, colorful storybook Bible you can read to your kids? Try The Illustrated Bible for Little Ones.

Select an Age-Appropriate Bible

Reading the Bible can be daunting so finding the right one to fit your child’s age and ability is crucial. For pre-readers, a picture Bible is a good place to start. You can move on to one you read to them and finally to a Bible for young readers. As your child grows up, make sure they have the right Bible for their age and reading level.

For beginning readers, The Complete Illustrated Children’s Bible makes a great start to a lifetime of Bible study.

Model Good Bible Reading Habits for Your Kids

Children, especially young ones, love to imitate mom and dad so try and find some time to study your Bible and make a point to read it in front of your kids. Better yet, make bible time a family activity and grow together.

Get The Jesus Bible for Kids and help them learn valuable character lessons from the life of Jesus.


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