Teaching & Education

Map of Israel

Home (Land) Schooling

Why more Christian universities and colleges are branching out with Israel-based programs.

Why study the Bible in Israel? OK, yes, the answer is evident—but it never hurts to hear it stated plainly, as a brochure for one U.S. Christian college put it: “Don’t just read about the Sea of Galilee—visit it!”

Point taken. Nothing beats going to the ancient land of Israel to really learn about its history and its people.

Numerous Christian colleges across the U.S. offer opportunities to study in Israel. Each program varies in duration and level of academic detail, but nearly all the schools enable students to pick up valuable course credits while learning within earshot of Jerusalem’s busy streets and beyond.

The Law Written on Hearts

Hebrews 8:1-13 Earlier this month we saw God’s promise to turn the hearts of stone of His chosen people into hearts of flesh. Israel was disobedient to God, and Jesus was rejected by His own. Yet, God has not rejected Israel. He promises to make a new covenant with them when He will write the law of God on their hearts and put the laws in their minds. Yesterday we shared the only sin we cannot remit for others is rejection of Jesus Christ. Even though many of our Jewish brothers and sisters have rejected Jesus Christ, we can still pray for God to give them the gift of faith to believe and also godly sorrow so they will repent.

Four-Year Christian Colleges, Universities

Four-Year Christian Colleges, Universities

Each of these popular institutions offers higher education with a Christian worldview. The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. It is critical, then, that college graduates have a Christian worldview when they enter the marketplace of ideas. If you aspire to study at a Christian college or university, our alphabetized listing will provide …

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Debt-Proof Your Degree

Debt-Proof Your Degree

Debt-Proof Your DegreeWith a little advance planning and a lot of hustle, you can get the education you need and graduate debt-free.

Unless there’s a rich Uncle Earl standing by to pick up the tab, college students are often left with two choices: accumulate debt that follows them through life, or find often untapped resources to help make the dream an affordable, if not free, reality.

The Christian College Advantage

The Christian College Advantage

The Christian College AdvantageWhat I wish I had known before I chose a college

There’s a particularly popular train of thought in the world today that says you have to know the darkness if you want to know the light. Obviously, it’s a way of thinking that supports a self-indulgent lifestyle: sin now, repent later, and you’ll be a better saint for it.

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to School

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to School

Redefine Yourself by Going Back to SchoolMany people are hitting the books to discover a new career. Here’s how you can join them.

If the admonition to accept “change” at work sounds agonizingly cliché to you, you’ve discerned something of a given these days. Change, as most people in today’s workforce know, has become a pseudo core value of every CEO from New York to Beijing who is fighting to keep their company afloat in this global economic downturn.

To keep from sinking beneath the competition, leaders must quickly adapt. As the waters get rough, employees are expected to swim too.

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