Teaching & Education

How Do I Know When It’s God Speaking?

You and I are living in a day when we need to be certain that God is directing our lives. We get His answers for the situations in our lives when the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, speaks into our spirits and transmits the “overcoming” victory of Jesus. If you want to clearly hear …

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Top of the Week: The Healing Power of Grief

Following are snippets of the top stories posted on charismamag.com over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. The Healing Power of Grief Beni, my wife of 49 years, died on July 13 of last year. She was the love of my life. We started dating when she …

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‘The Chosen’: Jesus Rejected Delivers Powerful Message

The hit television series “The Chosen,” portrays the moment Jesus was rejected in his hometown in a light that all humans could relate to in our modern world today. Even if 2,000 years have gone by, the hurt and pain of rejection by those you love and trust most is a sting that never changes …

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Defeat Satan With These Fasting Tactics

Fasting is a spiritual weapon that can be used to bring breakthrough in the hardest situations in life. The Bible lays out specific scenarios in which you should implement a fast. We sat down with Pastor Tammy Hotsenpiller to talk about the key element often missing in the Christian faith today. It wasn’t until Tammy …

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Knowing the Power of Humility in Spiritual Warfare

This article originally appeared on Curt Landry Ministries. *Note this is the first in a two-part series. The Word says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. The power of humility quickens you in the spirit so that you can discern wisely and walk with authority. Humility grounds you in and …

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Stephen Strang: Outpourings Leading to the Asbury Revival

One of the things I have devoted my life to is reporting on the moves of the Holy Spirit. Across history, there have been innumerable moves of God, all of which can give historical perspective to the Asbury University revival happening today. Jim Garlow says, “history is written in phases.” I’m breaking down some of …

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Don’t Let These Actions Cause Delay in Your Life

Are you experiencing delays in your life? Are there things you felt God showed you that have not come to pass yet? The physical and spiritual realms are more connected than you realize. Author of “The Veil” Blake Healy shares practical tips you can implement today that will transform your walk with God. Healy has …

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Spiritual Warfare in Your Marriage

Are you investing in your marriage? Marriage is a gift from the Lord and should be cultivated and stewarded well by both the husband and the wife. Part of honoring your marriage is continuing to grow and learn new things to help you succeed in your life together. Charisma magazine sat down with Mike and …

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Alexander Pagani: Alarming Tactics of Cult in America

It doesn’t take much online scrolling to recognize the complete dysfunction in Christian churches in the West today. Amid the economic, political and racial division, Christians are also finding spare minutes to bicker over theology and church politics. Apostle Alexander Pagani is sounding the alarm on a cult that is taking advantage of those divisions …

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John Bevere: 5 Indicators You Don’t Fear the Lord

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were clueless that God was going to obliterate them. They had a thriving economy; they were getting married and living as though it was just another ordinary day—but so was Lot. In our world today, Lot would be called “saved” or “born again.” So why didn’t he know God …

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Tammy Hotsenpiller Discusses the Spiritual Power in Fasting for Breakthrough

Read time: 2 minutes 44 seconds With the New Year underway and resolutions coming and going, many people are still left wondering what they have to do to get their breakthrough in life. Doubt can flood the mind with questions of “What have I done wrong?”, “Did I miss the Lord?”, or “How much longer …

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Alveda King: Attempt on His Life in 1958 Didn’t Harden MLK’s Heart

Read Time: 2 Minutes Evangelist Alveda King says there was no disputing her uncle Martin Luther King Jr.’s love for the Lord and his passion for preaching God’s Word. But almost as important, she says, is that her fiery uncle also loved people. In this video on the day the nation celebrates Martin Luther King …

Alveda King: Attempt on His Life in 1958 Didn’t Harden MLK’s Heart Read More »

Alexander Pagani and Greg Locke Admonish Christians to Set Aside Differences and Unify Together

Read Time: 2 minutes People around the world are hungry for a spiritual encounter. Over the years you see more generations turn to psychedelics, new age practices and even Satanism to find some kind of spiritual connection. People are desperate for something real. Charisma News sat down with apostle Alexander Pagani and pastor Greg Locke …

Alexander Pagani and Greg Locke Admonish Christians to Set Aside Differences and Unify Together Read More »

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