Purpose & Identity

Who Is Jesus?

Why ongoing debates surrounding the claims of Christ shouldn’t shake your faith.


Who is Jesus? This is the question people have been asking for 20 centuries. While He was alive the askers were religious leaders, political leaders, even His own disciples. Who are you, they wanted to know. Where do you get your authority and power?

In the last two centuries, scholars and skeptics have added new questions. How historically accurate is the portrayal of Jesus in the first four books of the New Testament?

Raiders of the Lost Mountain

How a pair of real-life Indiana Joneses used the Bible as a super-accurate treasure map in their search for the real Mount Sinai.


Cresting the final stair-step pitch of crumbling granite, Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams stomped their boots simultaneously on the snub-nosed summit of Jabal al Lawz. With a victorious “Whoop!” Williams turned to Cornuke, “Do you think we’re the first Westerners to reach this summit since Moses?” he asked.

Cornuke shrugged. All he knew was that they’d reached the top of an 8,000-foot peak that had tantalized their imaginations halfway across the planet and sent them chasing like bloodhounds into the suffocating deserts of northwest Saudi Arabia. Local bedouins call the peak Jebel Musa–or Mountain of Moses. If the duo’s theory was correct, they’d finally reached the real Mount Sinai.

Is Your Career Your Calling?

Integrating your faith with your work.

Are you in full-time Christian service? If you say “No” because you work in the secular world, you may be wrong, Robert J. Tamasy says. He explained: “Recently a friend of mine, a financial planner, commented, ‘I’d give anything to be able to go full time for the Lord.’

I thought about his statement for a moment and then replied, “What makes you think you haven’t already done that?”

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