
How to Kick Porn

Question: Doug, what can I do to kick this hunger for pornography? I’m so ashamed and frustrated. Seems like my life would be much less complicated if I didn’t have a sex drive.

Answer: You asked the right guy. I have been clean from pornography and self-sex behavior for more than 18 years. I remember feeling trapped, hopeless and overwhelmed. You too can get free your entire life, but you are going to need to make behavioral changes. Here’s how to kick porn:


The Birds and the Bees

Question: Doug, I’m starting to worry about when to have “the talk” with my son. I want to do it before he finds out somewhere else, but I don’t know if he’s old enough. When is the best age to talk to him about sex?

Answer: This is a great question. The age of adolescence is definitely moving downward, so you can’t assume that your son will reach puberty when you did. Generally, subtract about two years from the age you hit adolescence to figure out when he will.

a father kissing daughter

For Your Daughter’s Sake

a father kissing daughterThe biggest lie I have heard among Christian men about their sexual indiscretions is that “it’s not hurting anybody else.” Nothing could be further from the truth of God’s Word or His heart. Your choices about sexuality affect everybody in your life, either for good or bad. How many of us have felt pain or sadness over Christian leaders, singers or speakers who went sexually astray? They damaged not only their lives but also the lives of their spouses, their children and, often, those they were sexually involved with.

I want to show you how your sex affects others. I believe within every man is a God-given disposition to protect. A man cannot stand by and allow an outsider to hurt anyone he truly loves. This is exemplified in the relationship between a man and his daughter.

Soyburger, Anyone?

Tomatoes, however, are the richest source of lycopene, and cooked tomato products, such as tomato paste, spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce, provide much higher amounts of the phytonutrient compared with fresh tomatoes or tomato juice.

Spaghetti sauce also contains olive oil, an added benefit that makes this particular food product an extremely good choice as a source of lycopene. That’s because the oil assists in the body’s absorption of the nutrient.

Many studies have shown a correlation between a high consumption of tomato products and a decreased incidence of prostate cancer. A diet rich in lycopene derived from tomato-based products can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by approximately 40 percent.

Creeping Narcissism

When you accept Christ into your life, you slowly come to realize that forces are now at work beyond your control. There is a mixed emotion of fear (of losing control), relief (that your problems are now in God’s hands) and curiosity (at how things will play out) that can create a hyper-introspection beyond anything we have experienced before, but could it lead to an unhealthy level of introspection and self-absorption? I’ve noticed creeping into many Christian’s lives (including mine) a level of narcissism about prayer and God’s works that has raised a few flags.


This came to my attention partly by way of my agnostic friends. Every so often one of them asks me to say a prayer for a relative who is sick. It takes a lot for them to ask this and the request is usually serious, and for some reason they think I alone have God’s phone number. I feel mixed emotions when I receive these requests. I’m sad at their pain but joyful at the same time that a piece of their armor has rusted and fallen off. When I contrast these requests with Christian prayer requests that I receive regularly it drives the point home about how self-centered we, in the Christian community, can sometimes become.

The Question Every Woman Asks

Let me just tell you right from the beginning, I know that you’ve tried. And you know that you’ve tried.

Lord knows that you have scratched your head in wonder and profound confusion when it comes to the woman that you love. You’ve tried to hear and understand. You want to give and respond.

Ten fabulous dates. Seven promises. Five love languages. Three counselors. Anything. Everything. But whatever you do, it’s never enough. The target of her desire moves and you can’t seem to hit the bull’s-eye.

You’ve tried; we both know it. But the truth is that you can’t.

father and son

Boys Need Fathers

Boys are in trouble today primarily because their dads are emotionally or physically absent. Though children of all ages, both male and female, have an innate need for contact with their fathers, boys suffer most from the absence or noninvolvement of fathers. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, boys without fathers are …

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The Difference a Father Can Make

dad-son-smallYou may struggle with feelings of inadequacy regarding your fathering
abilities, but you have a God-given role to protect and provide for your family.
And you have great impact on developing character in your sons.

Fathering is at the heart of masculinity, of what it means to be a man. Godly fathers put others’ needs before their own. If you’re like me, you spend the majority of your conscious thought and effort on satisfying your own wants and needs. It’s almost an unconscious response to life. But if we are to be authentic men and fathers, we need to rethink that attitude and consciously make sacrifices so others can benefit and prosper.

When fathers neglect this duty or are absent from the home, predators attack families. Young men, such as gang members, who are raised without the influence of older men often become marauding wolves themselves–predators preying on women and children for their own self-gratification.

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