
Kenny Luck

Kenny Luck Ignites Sleeping Giant Movement to Wake Up Christian Men

For years, Kenny Luck has witnessed Men’s Ministry in local churches leaving men unengaged and unfulfilled. The best-selling author’s heart is to see that trend cease. Luck, an ECPA platinum award-winning author of the God’s Man and Every Man Series and pastor of Men at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, has launched the definitive website for …

Kenny Luck Ignites Sleeping Giant Movement to Wake Up Christian Men Read More »

Angry boy

Who is This Angry Boy And What Has He Done With My Son?

“I just don’t understand! My sweet son is so temperamental lately.” “It’s like he’s a different kid.” “I don’t understand the anger. What’s that about?” “School used to be fun, but now it takes forever.” “He acts so addled. Can’t remember what I tell him for one minute.” We hear it all the time. We’ve said it ourselves. We …

Who is This Angry Boy And What Has He Done With My Son? Read More »


Seven Steps to ‘Sex-cess’

happy-couple-beach-smallLive in a sex-charged culture, without getting zapped!

Jim is in my office one Saturday morning crying over the lust, guilt and terrible sexual choices that are destroying his life. I don’t know whether to empathize with his pain or kick his butt for going to sleep on his watch!

I remind him that the battle for sexual integrity demands constant vigilance. It’s a wrestling match with Satan, and any time you let your guard down, you get body-slammed.

happy couple

Want to Be Sexually Successful?

I believe that God wants every Christian man to be sexually successful. He desires all of us to enter into the holy of holies where spirit, soul and body intimacy occurs with your wife on a regular basis. His desire is to equip each one of us with the skills to be spiritually and emotionally intimate outside of the bedroom so that we can be sexually successful inside of the bedroom.

Are you wondering what a sexually successful man is and how you can become one? Let me be perfectly clear. Sex is by far one of God’s best ideas! Don’t you agree? I imagine the Creator could have made procreation a behavior that brought little pleasure and only engaged our bodies, completely detached from the wealth of a soul and spirit experience. What a bummer sex would have been if that were the case.

Thankfully our Maker decided to be very creative con­cerning our sexuality. Not only does your body go through the greatest physiological changes, but when engaging successfully in sex you also experience the highest chemical reward possible for your body.

As a therapist, I have counseled with thousands of men regarding sexuality issues. During this time, I have learned that many men are not sexually successful. I have “clocked in” years of my life listening to men as they share varied stories of their lack of sexual success. These men and their wives want to be sexually successful, but even after several decades of marriage, they have not achieved sexual success.

Integrity Is King

is a word that is widely used—and widely misunderstood. If you were to
ask the average person for a definition of integrity you’d probably
hear a lot of hemming and hawing. The origin of the word makes its
meaning very clear. “Integrity” comes from the Latin adjective integer,
which means “whole” or “complete.” In mathematics, an integer is a
positive or negative whole number or zero—a number without any
fractional part.

A person of integrity is honest and upright. His soul is not divided or compartmentalized.

Top 10 Things to Be Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m happy to announce the top 10 things
Christian guys can be thankful for in 2009. This list is in no
particular order and will alternate between meaningful, truly important
things and completely superficial fun stuff.

10. Cheap HDTVs
A combination of better technology and a crummy economy has now allowed
men to view the world as it was meant to be viewed: on a couch in
glorious high definition. So whether you’re watching the good
(football), the bad (chick flicks) or the ugly (Gregg Popovich), you
get to see every nook and cranny.

Keeping a Pure Mind

Question: Doug, I’m married
and know that 1 Timothy 5:1-2 says, “Treat … older women as mothers,
and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity” (NIV). But I
struggle with impure thoughts when I’m around women. What is the best
way to keep my mind sexually pure?

I recommend a few strategies. One, wear a rubber band on your wrist and
every time you lust at a woman, snap it. This will stop reinforcing
this behavior. Two, memorize some Scriptures on purity so you can
access them when in need. Three, do what 1 Timothy 5:1-2 suggests—view
all women in the context of a relationship.

Finding God in Bed

My book agent is an unusual combination of business partner, coach and mother. Even though my agent is a guy, he is still like Mom because he frets about my future and hopes he can be proud of me someday if I grow up to be a successful and mature writer before he throttles me for misbehaving. I recently told my agent that I wanted to write a book titled Finding God in Bed. He replied, “Well, that would certainly be provocative,” which is agent/mother-speak for, “You have lost your ever-loving mind, and no Christian bookstore would ever carry a book like that, and you are going to be the death of me yet, and wouldn’t you feel better after a nice nap?”

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