Leadership & Mentoring

Kingdom Economics: Choosing a Better Way—God’s Way

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released its third and final estimate of second quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and its PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index). Since core (less food and energy) PCE is one of the Fed’s preferred measures of inflation, it was watched particularly closely. For the quarter, core PCE was an …

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The Real Truth About the Marriage of Politics and Faith

As I look back, I realize that God has given me a career path with some rather unique experiences. I have built bridges at the intersection of faith and government my whole life, and I have learned that serving people through a role in government can be just as important as serving them through a …

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Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders

Attention. Several hundred leaders are registered for our special brunch on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. Seats are filling up and we must give our host a final number of meals to prepare. Please do not wait. Make your reservation now for this free brunch. I have a very special message of encouragement and …

Mario Murillo Sends Special Urgent Message to Kingdom Leaders Read More »

How to Position Yourself to Receive the Issachar Anointing

The key to being positioned to receive the Issachar anointing has to do with timing and seasons. Those who carry the Issachar anointing understand the times and seasons we are in. They have discernment and knowledge, enabling them to lead well. They seek the wisdom of God through the Word to know what needs to …

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Is America Preparing the Way for a One-World Ruler?

The culmination of history is approaching. The end of the world may be at hand. Yet Jesus tells us we should not be alarmed. Why? Because we are engraved in the palms of His hands. Because we are carried in His arms. Because we are the apple of His eye. The time is coming when …

Is America Preparing the Way for a One-World Ruler? Read More »

How The Christian Community Can Change American Politics for Good

A fascinating discovery has taken place recently in the state of California. Locals there attest that the wildfires that have ravaged the landscape, lives and livelihoods of residents for a decade don’t seem to be getting any better. They seem to be getting worse, more frequent and more devastating. The key question at hand is: …

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13 Traits of ‘Orphan Spirit’ Leaders

One of the greatest needs in the body of Christ is to release the spirit of sonship (Rom. 8:15). Since the nation of Israel and the church were modeled after the biblical family structure, its leaders were supposed to function more as spiritual parents than corporate executives. The apostle Paul said that we have only …

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Kingdom Economics: Becoming Contagious for His Glory

Economic contagion is the situation where adverse economic events in a particular economy or region spreads to other economies or regions. A contagion can occur at the domestic or international levels. Essentially all markets are connected through profits of multinational companies, labor, exchange markets, capital goods, monetary policies and a host of supply chain and …

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Why the Church Must Return to a True Biblical Standard for Leadership

I love to read and meditate on Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders and his reference to the transforming power and potency of his personal example. It marks his heart for the elders, who were appointed to care for the churches. “We will have many memories of our time together in Ephesus; but of …

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Kenneth Copeland Ministries: 5 Things for Believers to Prosper in Tough Times

The Bible teaches us that God is our source of provision, no questions whatsoever. But have you learned how to dip your bucket in the well of His supply? If you’re struggling financially—and many believers are these days—you must learn what the Bible says about prospering God’s way in the tough times. Scripture says in …

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Spirit-Filled Pastor: Only Pulpits Have the Power to Change America

One thing is crystal clear in America: If we truly want change, we must re-spark biblical boldness and flame the fires of biblical action. If we won’t fight, then spiritually speaking, we will fade away. I recently attended a large gathering of pastors in San Diego organized by Turning Point USA Faith. During one of …

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Why Partial Obedience to God is Disobedience

My husband had a saying for our children growing up. “Partial obedience is disobedience.” He wanted them to understand that doing half the plan would not get them the full reward. Another reminder we used to tell our kids was, “Don’t think about it, don’t hesitate, just do it.” As children with a limited view …

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Dealing Effectively with the Dynamics of Change

Change can be challenging. Some people look forward to change and embrace it. Some people dread change and try to avoid it. Since change is inevitable, so here are some of the dynamics surrounding change and the specific strategies to deal with change more effectively: 9 Dynamics of Change 1. When you are going through change, …

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Largest Living Generation Has Unique Set of Strengths to Lead

Generation Z has unlimited potential to become the greatest generation ever. So says Oral Roberts University president Dr. Billy Wilson in his new book, Generation Z: Born for the Storm. Children and young adults born between 1997 and 2012 are now the largest generation alive, bigger even than their Baby Boomer grandparents. ORU’s Wilson believes …

Largest Living Generation Has Unique Set of Strengths to Lead Read More »

The Priestly Role

1 John 5:1-21 Few know the power God has given them through Jesus Christ to confess and remit the sins of others. This is the ministry of reconciliation. God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world to Himself. The possibility of the whole world being reconciled to God was extended on the cross when Jesus died not only for your sin, but also for the sins of the whole world. When Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” Jesus was entering into the ministry of reconciliation.

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