Finances & Career

Ministry Leaders ‘Get Real’ About Nation’s Future

As Christians increasingly come under attack, how should we respond? In light of today’s volatile economy and nonprofit concerns dealing with everything from charitable giving to Obamacare, the American church faces many serious questions about the future. “We are in a progressively anti-faith environment, and there is a tremendous shifting of churches that really believe …

Ministry Leaders ‘Get Real’ About Nation’s Future Read More »

The Church’s MarketpIace Merger

Why more ministries are handing over operations to corporate leaders—and why that’s a good thing Not every ministry leader is willing to be candid about the sluggish economy and its direct impact on the church. But Mark Walker, a fourth-generation Pentecostal pastor, likely represents many church leaders when he refers to the past four years …

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10 Reasons Business Leaders Reject Their Local Churches

I have been a pastor for more than 29 years and have ministered to hundreds of pastors and visited numerous churches over the past three decades. During this time, I have noticed often that key marketplace leaders who love the Lord have a hard time connecting to a local church. Because of this, some in …

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Uncle Sam hanging from a Fiscal cliff

Why the Fiscal Cliff Doesn’t Matter for Christians

In God’s financial system the path to prosperity isn’t dependent on government legislation. Find out what requirements God has established that lead to a pathway of prosperity? The Bible reveals several overarching keys. 1) Seek Him. Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” …

Why the Fiscal Cliff Doesn’t Matter for Christians Read More »

business people disagreeing

How to Deal With Someone Who’s Sincere, but Sincerely Wrong

One of the greatest challenges you’ll ever face in the workplace is confronting someone who is sincere, but sincerely wrong. Their absolute belief in the rightness of what they’re doing is what makes it so difficult to change their mind or offer correction. I especially see it when I work with religious organizations and encounter …

How to Deal With Someone Who’s Sincere, but Sincerely Wrong Read More »

Marc Nuttle

Fiscal Cliff: How Christians Benefit

Economist Marc Nuttle explains how Christians can prepare for a great harvest of souls—via an imminent economic disaster that could cripple our nation and the world We may be on the brink of one of the greatest evangelistic opportunities of all time. We know from Jesus’ words that people are waiting to be gathered into …

Fiscal Cliff: How Christians Benefit Read More »

God's Marketplace Move

God’s Marketplace Move

The rising interest of believers using businesses for kingdom purposes isn’t just an American trend. Around the world God is shaping entire nations through the work of on-fire, Spirit-led marketplace ministers. “Son, if I had another life to give to missions, I’d give it to the rebuilding of economic infrastructures within developing nations.” These words …

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Investing in the Kingdom of God

Proverbs 19:17 Two of the treasures we can take to heaven when we die are people we have witnessed to and the Word of God we have hidden in our hearts. There is another way we can invest in God’s kingdom here on earth and at the same time add to our heavenly bank account. Today’s reading reveals this way. It says, “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord; and He will pay back what he is given.”

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