Bible Study

TNIV Bible

The Battle for the Bible

In Today’s New International Version, pronouns have been adjusted to make the Scriptures more inclusive of women. But this new translation has sparked a firestorm of angry criticism. A controversial new version of America’s best-selling Bible has divided some charismatic-Pentecostal leaders over the issue of gender references. Since January when its publication was announced, the …

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The Priority of Praise

God views praise and worship as high spiritual priorities. Praise, meaning “value” or “price,” is the proclamation of God’s importance or worth.

Many of the praise and worship expressions in the Scriptures were exhibited around David’s tabernacle and are still culturally functional for today. As defined in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, some of these Hebrew and Greek words are “ingredients” for the posture of worship and service to God.

Towdah is an extension of the hand. It implies a choir of worshipers lifting their hands (see Ps. 100:4).

A Woman’s Right to Preach

Many christians object to the idea of women in ministry because they believe the bible forbids it. The scriptures show their belief is unfounded.

How is it that women would venture to preach when female ministry is forbidden in the Word of God?

This is a serious objection to consider and, if capable of substantiation, would receive my immediate and cheerful acquiescence; but I think I can show, by a fair and consistent interpretation, that the very opposite view is the truth–that the public ministry of women is absolutely enjoined by both precept and example in the Word of God.

Behold His Glory

(Part 1)

We often cry out for God to send His glory among us. But how well do we understand what we’re asking for? God’s glory encompasses His holy character revealed in Jesus.
READ Ex. 24:15-18; Ex. 33:18-23; Lev. 11:45; 2 Cor. 3:18; Col. 1:25-29; Heb. 1:1-3.

God Didn’t Call You to be a Doormat!

Christians often suggest that God created women to be frail and quiet. But biblical submission is not about weakness or silence.

According to self-proclaimed relationship expert Laura Doyle, “something magical” happened when she decided to “surrender control” in her marriage. She stopped doing the family finances. She started cooing “Whatever you think” when her husband wanted her opinion.

She decided that the way to secure happiness in marriage was to become “a surrendered wife.” Then she started organizing clubs all over the country to teach other women how to, as she says, “relinquish control.”

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