
Live Chat With Matthew Barnett

{audio source_mp3=”″ source_ogg=”” title=”Conference Call with Matthew Barnett”} Matthew Barnett knows how to take ministry outside the four walls of the church and transform entire communities with the gospel. He’s watched the Dream Center in downtown Los Angeles grow from a group of 39 people in 1994 to reaching 40,000 every week. Listen as Barnett …

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The New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:1-27 As we draw near to the end of our yearly readings, this passage in Revelation should cause our hearts to leap. If you know your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you can look forward to living in the New Jerusalem. The description of this holy city is mind boggling, but I believe every word of it. Yes, we will walk streets of gold, and there will be gates made of pearl. There will be no need of the sun or the moon because the light will emanate from the glory of God.

End-Time Exhortations

1 Peter 4:7-5:14 As Peter wrote this letter he had a sense of urgency. He felt the Lord’s return was imminent, and he wanted his fellow believers to be ready for His return. He says, “But the end of all things is at hand: therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers” (1 Pet. 4:7). It is interesting that his End-Time exhortations were exactly what Jesus told us to do as the day of His return drew near. He told us to watch and pray. None of us know the exact time of the Lord’s return, but we all need to be ready. Each of us will have our appointed day to die, and Peter’s day came shortly after he wrote this letter. We should all, however, live every day of our lives as if it might be our last day on earth.

The Repentance

1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3 A new series of books has just been produced that speaks of the last days. The series is called Left Behind. These fiction novels, which are based on Scripture, speak of the day of “the Rapture,”a day many believe the saints of the Lord will meet Jesus in the air. That day is described in detail in this series. Trains, planes and cars will crash suddenly, and those left behind will not know that something supernatural has happened. Some members of families will be taken in the Rapture, and others will be left behind.

The Great Mystery

Colossians 1:21-2:7 For so long in my own life I did not understand the mystery Paul speaks of in his letter to the Colossians. I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior at nine years of age, and from nine to twenty-six years of age I struggled to walk in the ways of the Lord. I would do well for a season, and then I would find myself drifting. Finally the day came when I was twenty-six and that mystery began to be unveiled to me.

When the Righteous Can Do Little

Psalm 11:1-7 The Scriptures are full of the blessings that come to those who live righteously. There are many promises in the Word like, “The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Other passages say that righteousness exalts cities and nations. Sodom would have been spared if God had found ten righteous men residing there. Without righteous men, our nation also would not exist. It is because there are still righteous people left in this nation that the United States has not experienced the full measure of God’s judgment. The righteous can do much, but when the foundations are destroyed, the righteous are unable to do much to save a nation, city or family.

To the Jew First

Romans 1:1-17 Jesus made it clear while He ministered near the Galilee and in Jerusalem that He came to minister first to the house of Israel. This was His first charge by the Father. He carried the message of the kingdom of God to the Jew first. We have the same commission Jesus had, but many of us have forgotten to go to the Jew with the liberating message of the gospel. Paul in this passage reminds us of our commission to the Jew first (v. 16).

Many in the City

Acts 18:1-21 The red and yellow poppies shook gently in the breeze under a postcard blue sky as we looked upon the ruins of Corinth. Once a great city where Paul spent over a year and a half, it now was covered with a field of poppies. We were spending some time in Greece just after our tour to Israel. As I looked at what was left of Corinth, I understood why Paul spent so much time there. It must have been a beautiful city. We actually saw the judgment seat area where Gallio drove the Jews from his presence.

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