Missions & Persecuted

Petr behind bars with other Christian prisoners.

Missionary Tortured by ISIS Led 40 to Christ

Charged with being a spy, Czech missionary Petr Jasek endured a 14-month imprisonment in Sudan where he was tortured by fellow cellmates. But Jesus supernaturally imparted peace during his confinement and he became a bold witness, winning many to Christ. In his role as the Africa regional director for Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), Jasek …

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Brigitte Gabriel

Leading Terrorism Expert Brigitte Gabriel: Not One American Pastor Is Thinking About This Come Sunday

Brigitte Gabriel warns that as pastors prepare for Easter Sunday, those in the West have turned a blind eye to what their persecuted brothers and sisters will face in just a few days. “Right now, Christians all over the world in Islamic countries are gearing up for bombings next Sunday, on Easter Sunday,” Gabriel tells …

Leading Terrorism Expert Brigitte Gabriel: Not One American Pastor Is Thinking About This Come Sunday Read More »

Former prisoners reflect on the Christians still behind bars in Iran.

Iranian Christians See Hope Stripped Away With Extreme Torture, Harassment on the Rise

There was hope among Iranian Christians that the mass protests earlier this year could effect change for them, but they continue to be harassed and imprisoned on spurious charges. An Iranian convert to Christianity, Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh, who recently lost his appeal against a 10-year sentence for “missionary activities”, was reportedly moved to the infamous Evin Prison in Tehran two weeks ago—the …

Iranian Christians See Hope Stripped Away With Extreme Torture, Harassment on the Rise Read More »

2018 Brings New Challenges and Hope for Persecuted Believers

As a new year begins, it’s the perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been and the hope for tomorrow and the new year to come. Thanks to the continued support of ACLJ members like you, 2017 was a very important and impactful year in our continuing quest to defend the rights and liberties of …

2018 Brings New Challenges and Hope for Persecuted Believers Read More »

American Pastors Plan Pilgrimage to Israel, Urge Believers to Stand With God’s Chosen Ones

As headlines continue to come out of Israel during one of the world’s most turbulent times, the American Pastors Network (APN, AmericanPastorsNetwork.net) regularly creates a dialogue about the matters that should be important to all Christians, especially through its daily radio ministry, “Stand in the Gap Today.” APN President Sam Rohrer, along with “Stand in the Gap Today” co-hosts …

American Pastors Plan Pilgrimage to Israel, Urge Believers to Stand With God’s Chosen Ones Read More »

Great Is His Faithfulness

Psalm 89:1-13 One of my favorite hymns is “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.” We sang this at my oldest son’s wedding. As we sang this song, I thought of how faithful the Lord was in hearing and answering my prayers for wives for my sons. For years I prayed two things for my future daughters-in-law. I prayed they would first love the Lord with all of their heart, and second, they would simply adore my sons. After many years of waiting, I saw all three sons married in a nine-month period of time to the most wonderful young Christian ladies. They are just as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside.

How Revival is Transforming the Largest Hindu Nation

Christianity is growing rapidly in the world’s largest Hindu nation. Charisma looks at how the Holy Spirit is changing lives in India. A few years ago on a hot, humid evening in Warangal, a city in southern India, about 8,000 locals gathered in a giant sports field while what seemed like 100,000 insects buzzed in …

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