Missions & Persecuted

A Prophetic Warning to Americans, from the Underground Church

There is a Satanic lullaby here in the West. A very subtle droning lullaby that is causing the church to drift asleep. That’s how one Iranian woman described the American church when her family moved here before deciding to go back to Iran. The simmering pressure and intensity in the underground church kept their faith …

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Underground Church Thrives In Persecuted Hong Kong

Read time: 1 minute 44 seconds It’s been more than two years since China took control of Hong Kong. In that time, dozens of human rights and religious freedom activists have been arrested, while thousands have fled authoritarian rule. Those who stay face increasing repression as Beijing intensifies its crackdown on religious freedom. David is …

Underground Church Thrives In Persecuted Hong Kong Read More »

The Church’s Role in Preserving Freedom of Speech in America

Read Time: 3 Minutes 17 Seconds The controversy surrounding Kyrie Irving and his post of a tweet that claims the Jews in Israel are not the real Jews—that Black Africans are the real Jews—raises serious questions about free speech in America and has ramifications for every Bible-believing Christian. I am unapologetically pro-Israel. In fact, those …

The Church’s Role in Preserving Freedom of Speech in America Read More »

How Holy Spirit Brought Forgiveness After Slaughter

Twenty-five years after the Rwandan genocide, it is hard to believe the country’s verdant hills once ran red with the blood of innocents. Yet in 1994, the world was horrified to watch as the once-peaceful agricultural nation reached a watershed of violence. Colonialism, propaganda and fear paved the way for an estimated 800,000 victims to …

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Pakistani Prime Minister Announces Persecuted Christian Asia Bibi Will Be Freed in 2 Weeks

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced that Asia Bibi, the Christian woman whose death sentence for blasphemy against Islam was overturned, will leave the Muslim nation in two weeks and be reunited with her family, according to WorldNetDaily (WND). But WND says Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer cautions that supporters who followed Bibi’s ordeal …

Pakistani Prime Minister Announces Persecuted Christian Asia Bibi Will Be Freed in 2 Weeks Read More »

Chinese Authorities Offer Substantial Reward to Snitch on Christians as Church Grows Like Wildfire

Those who report underground churches to authorities in China are going to be financially rewarded, according to Marcus Jones of London’s Premier Radio. It’s reported authorities in the city of Guangzhou will give up to one thousand pounds for information. It’s part of a crackdown on illegal worship. Elaine Pang, a British Chinese Christian attending …

Chinese Authorities Offer Substantial Reward to Snitch on Christians as Church Grows Like Wildfire Read More »

EXCLUSIVE: The Truth About Why John Allen Chau Set Out for North Sentinel Island

When five young missionaries were brutally murdered on an Ecuadorian beach in January 1956, headlines blared. Millions mourned. And believers worldwide recognized the newest generation of martyrs. When 26-year-old missionary John Allen Chau met a similar fate on a remote beach on North Sentinel Island in November 2018, the internet exploded. Controversy swirled. And believers …

EXCLUSIVE: The Truth About Why John Allen Chau Set Out for North Sentinel Island Read More »

Christians Forced to Meet in a River to Avoid Capture

Living in one of the most severely persecuted nations on earth, the Christians of North Korea have to be incredibly resourceful when it comes to practicing their faith. The authorities that govern the Communist nation have become notorious for arresting, imprisoning, torturing and even executing those who claim to follow Jesus. As such, the estimated …

Christians Forced to Meet in a River to Avoid Capture Read More »

Face of International Christian Persecution Set Free After Harrowing Ordeal on Death Row

Asia Bibi is free! Chief Justice Saqib Nasir has given the order to release her as soon as possible, and she has been found not guilty of all charges of blasphemy. The chief justice is reported to have said: “Her conviction is set aside, and she is to be relieved forthwith.” The portions of the …

Face of International Christian Persecution Set Free After Harrowing Ordeal on Death Row Read More »

Days After Freeing Brunson, Turkey Arrests Another American Missionary

Evangelist David Byle has been arrested and ordered to leave Turkey just days after missionary Andrew Brunson was released. Marcus Jones, writing for Premier Radio in the United Kingdom, reports that evangelist David Byle, who is a joint U.S. and Canadian citizen, was stopped at Ankara train station and taken to anti-terror police for interrogation. …

Days After Freeing Brunson, Turkey Arrests Another American Missionary Read More »

Do You Even Care About This Christian Girl Who Is About to Die at the Hands of Terrorists?

Saifura Khorsa and Leah Sharibu—these are the real faces of global Christian persecution. Last month, 15-year-old Leah Sharibu was given 30 days to live, reports the Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC) Coalition, which advocates on behalf of 215 million Christians facing heavy persecution worldwide. The threat was delivered by Boko Haram, her Sharia-supremacist captors in …

Do You Even Care About This Christian Girl Who Is About to Die at the Hands of Terrorists? Read More »

2 Believers Murdered in Cold Blood When They Refused to Recite Islamic Statement of Faith

Some horrific news is emerging out of Kenya after two Christians were murdered in cold blood by militants belonging to Islamic terror group Al-Shabaab. According to International Christian Concern, last Friday, a group of militants stopped a bus that was headed for the North Eastern province city of Garissa. The terrorists then ordered the passengers …

2 Believers Murdered in Cold Blood When They Refused to Recite Islamic Statement of Faith Read More »

3 Big Reasons These Geographical Areas Are Spiritual Wastelands

What comes to mind when you picture a desert? Perhaps your mind’s eye sees endless miles of white sand and rolling dunes. Or perhaps you imagine such extreme thirst and heat that you can feel your throat going dry. Just as real deserts stretch across hundreds of miles, Bible deserts remain prevalent around the world. …

3 Big Reasons These Geographical Areas Are Spiritual Wastelands Read More »

This Is Now the Deadliest Place in the World to Be a Christian

A new wave of attacks by Fulani herdsmen against Christians is leading one international human rights advocate to call on the U.S. Congress to appoint a special envoy to investigate. “Nigeria is now the deadliest place in the world to be a Christian,” explained attorney Emmanuel Ogebe. “What we have is a genocide. They are …

This Is Now the Deadliest Place in the World to Be a Christian Read More »

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