Standing With Israel

Jewish Singer Turned Soldier: ‘This is a War for Peace’

Yair Levi never wanted to be a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces. His life aspirations were to become a singer and writer in his native land of Israel, and to bring peace and harmony to his people through song. And while Levi has had the opportunity to do just that, through very unfortunate circumstances, …

Jewish Singer Turned Soldier: ‘This is a War for Peace’ Read More »

Sean Feucht: Peace Anthem ‘God of Israel’ Is ‘A Prophetic Sign’

During the holidays in December—especially Christmas and Hanukkah—”peace on earth” has been a popular phrase for nearly 160 years. Henry Wordsworth-Longfellow, one of the most prominent American writers of the 19th century, composed the poem of the same name on Christmas Day in 1863. It’s a concept that three songwriters and performers—all of very diverse …

Sean Feucht: Peace Anthem ‘God of Israel’ Is ‘A Prophetic Sign’ Read More »

Cancel Culture Strikes Jewish Singer’s Release of Song Promoting Peace

Need more proof that antisemitism continues to grow and plague the international atmosphere? The transparency of the worldwide hatred against Israel and its people continues to grow exponentially, and now it’s rearing its ugly head in the music industry. The song “God of Israel,” performed by American evangelist and worship leader Sean Feucht, Lebanese Christian …

Cancel Culture Strikes Jewish Singer’s Release of Song Promoting Peace Read More »

2 Radically Different Perspectives on Preserving Life

On Oct. 16, I had an appointment at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital. There are many places in which one observes the peaceful and respectful interaction between Jews and Arabs throughout Israel, but none more than in a hospital, and no hospitals more than a Jerusalem hospital. Reflecting not just the demographic that 20% of Israel’s …

2 Radically Different Perspectives on Preserving Life Read More »

This is Not the Time for Ambiguity About Islamic Terrorism

During its inhuman assault and massacre of Israelis on Oct. 7, leaving more than 1,400 dead, and thousands injured, Hamas also kidnapped an estimated 240 people and took them back to Gaza to imprison them. Laying bare the lie of their being “freedom fighters,” or being for a Palestinian state or anything else, what’s clear—and …

This is Not the Time for Ambiguity About Islamic Terrorism Read More »

Rampant Antisemitism Shocking ‘Jeopardy’ Host Mayim Bialik

The host of “Jeopardy!,” Mayim Bialk said in a lengthy post to TikTok that “nothing has prepared” her for the rampant antisemitism she’s seen in the wake of Hamas’ deadly attack on Israel. The Jewish-American actor and TV personality’s 10-minute video was shared on X. In it, Bialik said there is “no excuse” for anti-Semitic …

Rampant Antisemitism Shocking ‘Jeopardy’ Host Mayim Bialik Read More »

Joel Rosenberg: Israel Is Headed Toward a Historic Romans 11:26 Moment

With the current war started by Hamas and supported financially and militarily by Iran, All Israel News’ Joel C. Rosenberg says there is little doubt that Israel is going through one of the darkest moments in its storied history. But Rosenberg is also convinced that the nation of Israel is headed for some glorious times …

Joel Rosenberg: Israel Is Headed Toward a Historic Romans 11:26 Moment Read More »

Is This Hamas War One of the Three Prophesied for the End Times?

In Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Revelation 6 we are told that before Jesus Christ appears a second time there will be  The future eschatological events of the last days appear to include at least three major wars, which are different and distinct from anything the world has witnessed previously. Each war gets progressively intense, massive …

Is This Hamas War One of the Three Prophesied for the End Times? Read More »

You’re Fired, ‘Prophet’, and You Know Why

If you’re following the war against Hamas now, you’re likely bombarded by news of suffering of Palestinian Arabs, almost as much as we have been bombarded by Palestinian Arabs’ rockets. Much of this is fake news, perpetrated by Hamas and other Arab/Islamic terror groups using images and “statistics” of “suffering” to play to your sensibility. …

You’re Fired, ‘Prophet’, and You Know Why Read More »

No Surprise: UN Chief Sides With Hamas for Israel’s ‘Suffering Occupation’

JERUSALEM, Israel – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for the immediate release of all Israeli hostages, and for an immediate cease-fire amid what he called “clear violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.” It thrust the U.N. onto the center stage in the Israeli-Hamas war Tuesday, as Guterres made demands on Hamas while accusing …

No Surprise: UN Chief Sides With Hamas for Israel’s ‘Suffering Occupation’ Read More »

Jonathan Cahn: No Enemy Will Be Able to Destroy Israel

For the people of Israel, the story of the Oct. 7 invasion by the terrorist organization Hamas was a familiar one—at least those familiar with the Torah and the Old Testament. When thousands of rockets were launched toward Israel from Gaza by Hamas—and when multitudes celebrated the unexpected and brutal deaths of more than a …

Jonathan Cahn: No Enemy Will Be Able to Destroy Israel Read More »

Hamas Releases 2 Elderly Hostages, but the Brutality Rages On

JERUSALEM, Israel – Hamas released two more Israeli hostages Monday evening, and Israel released bodycam footage of the Oct. 7 massacre, as the Israel-Hamas War continued for the 18th day. Hamas posted video of its fighters taking care of Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, and Nurit Cooper, 79, before handing them over to the Red Cross in …

Hamas Releases 2 Elderly Hostages, but the Brutality Rages On Read More »

Were People Really Chanting ‘Death to America’ in Times Square?

Eagles Wings founder and director Bishop Robert Stearns and his family spent five days in Israel earlier this month, including Oct. 7. That was the day when an early-morning brutal surprise attack rocked Jerusalem and saw hundreds of innocent Israelis die. A few days after he and his family returned to the United States, however, …

Were People Really Chanting ‘Death to America’ in Times Square? Read More »

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