Israel & Jewish Roots

Will You Sign This Solidarity Support Statement for Jewish People?

“I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3, NKJV). The above biblical passage represents both a blessing and warning. It introduces the starting point of God’s relationship with Abraham and the nation of Israel. …

Will You Sign This Solidarity Support Statement for Jewish People? Read More »

Feeling Out of Breath? Try This Biblical Remedy

For many of us, the last few months or years have been overwhelming and difficult, especially for those of us who believe what the Bible says. There are wars in many countries, including Israel. There have been earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards and other weather related events. The world of politics is swirling around us—not just in …

Feeling Out of Breath? Try This Biblical Remedy Read More »

Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises

The threat of an all-out war in the Middle East is intensifying. Iranian-backed forces have launched a wave of attacks against American and Israeli targets in the region. The White House accuses Tehran of provoking the crisis and prompting an American military response. The Islamic mullahs in Tehran have dubbed it their “Axis of Resistance.” …

Radical Iranian Regime Builds ‘Ring of Fire’ Around Israel as Threat of All-Out-War Rises Read More »

Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

There are many areas of agreement between Jews and Christians. For example, both emphasize the foundational importance of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as well as the importance of living by the ethical ideals of the Torah and the Prophets. Both emphasize a final Day of Judgment where we give account for our lives …

Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today Read More »

Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ

Despite the South African government’s lawsuit at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against what it claims to be Israel’s “genocide” in the Gaza Strip, a group of Christian organizations and churches in South Africa have made a clear stand with Israel. In a document titled, “Statement by concerned Christians in response to the case …

Christians in South Africa Stand with Israel Despite Nation’s Genocide Lawsuit at ICJ Read More »

Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

Thousands of Israelis flocked on Wednesday to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem—a spiritually significant site for Jewish people—to “cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel,” particularly for those still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. More than 50,000 people thronged the alleyways of the prayer site, according …

Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages Read More »

The Profound Prophetic Significance of the Breaking of the Bread

Every Friday evening in Jewish homes around the world, a beautiful tradition takes place as families sit around their dinner table to welcome the Sabbath together. As a part of this traditional meal, the woman of the house says a prayer and lights the Sabbath candles. Then the man of the home holds up his glass of …

The Profound Prophetic Significance of the Breaking of the Bread Read More »

Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – What a tragic and painful year 2023 turned out to be for Israelis, Palestinians and much of the Middle East. Many of us hoped Israel and Saudi Arabia would forge an historic and transformative peace and normalization treaty. Instead, the forces of Iranian-backed evil were unleashed. More Jews were murdered on Oct. …

Heading Into 2024, Here Are 6 Biblical Truths Evangelicals Need to Embrace When It Comes to Israel and the Arab/Muslim World Read More »

Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem

A delegation of Christian leaders from Africa visited Israel for a tour of solidarity this week, led by a bishop and a reverend from Kenya. President of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Bishop Joshua Mulinge and Africa’s Director of the Israel Allies Foundation Reverend Dennis Nthumbi took the group to visit southern Israel border communities to meet …

Christian Delegation from Africa Calls for Its Leaders to Move Embassies to Jerusalem Read More »

Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

With the war against Hamas raging, scores of Israeli soldiers having been killed in combat along with many more injured, and still some 130 hostages who were kidnapped from Israel on Oct. 7 being held in captivity, it might be intuitive that this Christmas I would not be praying for anything other than the swift …

Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas Read More »

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