Israel & Jewish Roots

What is Christian Zionism?

Tens of thousands of churches, and literally tens of millions of Christians in the U.S., have a committed belief in the importance of standing with Israel and blessing the Jewish people. The verse most often referred to as their biblical mandate is Genesis 12:3 in which God tells Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Since the birth of the state of Israel in 1948 the theological error known as replacement theology has begun to decline and a theology of Christian Zionism that understands the importance of God’s everlasting covenant with Abraham and the nation he would birth has been increasing.


Seven Reasons to Support Israel

Everything Christians do should be based upon the biblical text. The following are seven biblical reasons why Christians everywhere should stand up and speak up for Israel. This is taken from the Leadership manual for Christians United for Israel. It’s so good, we got permission to share it here.

1. God has promised to bless the man or nation that blesses His chosen people. History has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the nations that have been blessed the Jewish people have had the blessing of God. The nations that have cursed the Jewish people have experienced the curse of God.

And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3

The Secret of the Jews

Those who studied biblical prophecy in the late 1930s believed an evil power of darkness had been unleashed in Europe. German dictator and tyrant Adolf Hitler, like a demon on assignment, was initiating his “solution” to the world’s problems by planning what historians would later identify as the Jewish Holocaust.

When 1948 arrived, the world was missing 6 million Jews, including 1.5 million children who had perished during the Nazi “Final Solution.” Most Holocaust survivors were without a permanent home, had few if any possessions, and had watched their paintings, antiques, gold and silver jewelry, and money being seized by Hitler’s godless goons.

The Secret of the Jews

The Secret of the Jews

Those who studied biblical prophecy in the late 1930s believed an evil power of darkness had been unleashed in Europe. German dictator and tyrant Adolf Hitler, like a demon on assignment, was initiating his “solution” to the world’s problems by planning what historians would later identify as the Jewish Holocaust. When 1948 arrived, the world …

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Pentecostal Leader, Former Israeli General to be Honored At Prayer Breakfast

Leaders of the Jewish and Christian communities will gather at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. to celebrate Jerusalem and to honor two great men, Pastor Jack W. Hayford and Israeli General Shimon Erem (retired) at the Jerusalem Prayer Banquet to be held May 14.

Rev. Robert Stearns of Eagles’ Wings, legendary entertainer Pat Boone, and pastor Frederick K.C. Price founder of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries, will host the event.

A Pilgrim’s Progress

{flv width=”280″ height=”220″}ValerieLowe-StandingWithIsraelIntro{/flv} My name is Valerie G. Lowe and I’m the editor of the new Standing with Israel e-newsletter. One of the most rewarding and exciting places I’ve ever traveled to is Israel. I’d always wanted to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land but didn’t think the opportunity would ever present itself. After years …

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CUFI Stands with Israel on Capitol Hill

Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), presented a petition expressing solidarity with the State of Israel to members of Congress in late March.  The petition is signed by more than 100,000 American Christians.

The Israel Pledge says:
“We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.

We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks.

It’s Time to Take a Stand

The cover of the May issue of Charisma asks an ominous question: “Can Israel Survive?” The answer is a resounding yes. Besides the fact that the Israelis are perhaps the most determined people on the face of the earth, God’s Word says that the Jews are His chosen people, the apple of His eye, and they will survive. But Israel needs us to stand with her more than ever.

Interestingly April 21 is the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. It’s the day we remember the 6 million Jewish lives that were lost during the Holocaust. One of the reasons we Christians must “stand with Israel” is so nothing like that will never happen again.

We have been reporting on Israel for the last three decades since I first visited Israel in May 1979. Now to keep you informed we are sending out this weekly Standing With Israel e-newsletter. In much of the style of my Strang Report, we will pass along to you interesting information and items of concern relating to Israel and how you can respond.

Day 5: Never Forget

What a sobering experience. My tour today began with a visit to Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum located on the Mount of Remembrance in Jerusalem. After reflecting on what I saw, it’s clear no other place so far has impacted me like this one.

First we went into the Valley of Communities where we watched a short video of life among Jewish people before Adolf Hitler executed his sinister plan to destroy them.

Day 4: Pray for Peace

I’m so sleepy my eyes are burning, but I must tell you about the sites I saw today.

We started the tour with a scenic drive through the valley of Jordan where I could see in the distance the kingdom of Jordan. The mountain curved around and around until we were headed in the direction of the Dead Sea region. I’m told the region is the lowest point on earth, about 419 meters below sea level.

Day 3: Be Still


Today I sailed the Sea of Galilee!

Every time I think my visit to Israel can’t get any better, something or someone will change my mind. That’s what happened to me today when I had an encounter with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee.

After eating breakfast this morning we all boarded a bus headed for the sea. I was feeling a little anxious about some things, so I wasn’t myself today. But when I stood up for prayer, the Lord spoke to my inner spirit and said “peace, be still.” At that moment, the weight lifted and I was able to participate in all the tour activities.

Day 2: Miracles, Anyone?


This morning my tour group and I checked out of the Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv (what a nice place) and boarded the bus for Caesarea National Park. King Herod the Great (not the Herod who sought to have baby Jesus killed,) built Caesarea. When I got off the bus, my mind went back in time to thousands of years ago.

I sat down in the Herodian Amphitheatre and tried to imagine what it would be like to attend a sporting event back then. According to the brochure, the U-shape venue is more than 250 m long and 50 m wide. Some experts say it might be the stadium mentioned by first-century Jewish historian, Josephus Flavius in Jewish War (Antiq. ll:9, 3). I also got a chance to see some of the archaeological designs made popular by the Romans after they gained control of Caesarea.

Day 1: I Made It!

After staying up to 3 am the night before preparing for my trip, and after nearly missing my flight to JFK the next day, I finally made it to Israel!

My tour group and I arrived at Ben Gurion International Airport close to 3:30 pm and could hardly wait to see the first city on the tour schedule.

Tel Aviv is a wonderful place to visit, but if you’re thinking it’s lined with dusty roads like in biblical times, think again. It’s a modern city and has all the makings of a bustling metropolis like billboards, quaint restaurants, public transportation and more.

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