
Live Chat With Samuel Rodriguez

{audio source_mp3=”http://www.charismamag.com/images/stories/audio/Conference_Call_With_Samuel_Rodriguez.mp3″ source_ogg=”http://www.charismamag.com/images/stories/audio/Conference_Call_With_Samuel_Rodriguez.ogg” title=”Conference Call with Samuel Rodriguez”} Are you confused by the many arguments surrounding America’s immigration debate? Then listen to this podcast with Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, one of the nation’s leading voices on the issue. 

Samuel Rodriguez

A Voice for Immigrants

Samuel Rodriguez is more preacher than politician. These days, however, the leader of the nation’s largest group of Hispanic Christians is caught in the crossfire of immigration reform.

Lady Liberty has always lifted her lamp to the tired, the poor and the huddled masses, but Americans have not always welcomed immigrants with open arms. Today the climate is as hot as ever, as the need for border security and economic recovery clash with the vast number of illegal immigrants living among us. Only recently has the evangelical church taken a stand on the issues. 

Now a man has emerged as another torchbearer, his leadership drawing millions out of the shadows. Top politicians and media moguls are paying attention, saying Samuel Rodriguez is a political rising star, and they’re watching and courting him as our nation wrangles over culture wars and immigration reform. Although the 40-year-old pastor and evangelist denies being a politician, he has embraced the call to represent a growing political force of evangelical Latinos, including 12 million illegal immigrants.

Barack Obama, John McCain

A House Divided

The 2008 presidential election has been more contentious than any in recent history—especially for evangelical Christians. When Stephen Mansfield started writing his book The Faith of Barack Obama, the Illinois senator was a long-shot presidential hopeful whose religious background was of little interest to most. One year later, Obama is the Democratic nominee for president, …

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Washington Watchdog

He’s tough, he’s angry, and he’s not afraid to mix religion and politics. Meet Lou Sheldon, who founded the Traditional Values Coalition to protect the country from gay activists, abortion lobbyists and any politician–Republican or Democrat–who is hostile to biblical morality. Exiting his townhouse office on C Street, Lou Sheldon hurries toward the U.S. Capitol. …

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Al Gore

The Spiritual Side of Al Gore

Conservative Christians have criticized Al Gore for his pro-abortion views. But he maintains that his public policy is guided by a deeply personal Baptist faith. During the Clinton years, Vice President Al Gore defined himself as a Harvard-educated intellectual, a forward-looking environmentalist and a visionary leader for the new millennium. But when the presidential campaign …

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