
What Do Pastors Think About Halloween? Study Reveals Surprising Results

Read Time: 3 Minutes 24 Seconds It’s a question that believers grapple with every year at this time. Should Christians avoid Halloween? Some believers simply don’t feel that it carries any spiritual implications, while others see it as a dangerous event to celebrate, especially for Christians. But what do pastors think about Halloween and how …

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Don’t Make ‘Parties’ as an Excuse for Over-Indulging

I love a party or any get together where there is food. How about you? However, it is a big excuse many use for not losing weight. I had this excuse. It went something like this, “I can’t lose weight because I want to eat at family gatherings, parties, church carry-in dinners and holidays. Here’s …

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Copelands Celebrate 60th Anniversary

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, co-founders of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. The year 2022 also marks 55 years since Kenneth responded to God’s call to ministry received in an Arkansas riverbed, leading to the formation of KCM. “When Ken and I married, we began a journey that led us both to …

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Don’t Skip This Important Part of Our Holiday Traditions

This is a season when a spirit of generosity ignites us and highlights the best of humanity. For those of us in the Jewish community, we have celebrated Hanukkah, lighting the Menorah and giving gifts. Now, my Christian friends are celebrating Christmas by lighting trees and giving gifts of their own. This season of generosity …

Don’t Skip This Important Part of Our Holiday Traditions Read More »

Weathering the Storm

If we are honest, it has been a painfully challenging year. For some of us, our lives will be forever changed because of losses we have experienced. Medi-Share’s spiritual development team shares personal stories and practical tips on dealing with stress, grief and trials. 1. How is the world handling emotional challenges? We’re reacting to …

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Finding Hope Amid Grief this Holiday Season with Nancy Hicks

For many of us, the holiday season will be especially hard, as we have experienced so much loss and grief. Nancy Hicks gives bruised hearts the precious gift of empathy and hope. This is the first holiday season for Nancy Hicks, former QVC spokesperson, author, speaker, without her oldest son, David, who passed away in …

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