

Of Monkeys and Men

Find out how Darwin’s ‘The Origin of Species‘ changed the world As the scientific community prepares to celebrate Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday on February 12, prominent Christian apologists and theologians say that besides the Bible no other book shook the world more than Darwin’s The Origin of Species. It was published 150 years ago, on …

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Christmas in Bethlehem

Controlled by militant Muslims, the place of Jesus’ birth is a danger zone for Christians today. But Arab believers say the gospel continues to be preached there.

Rami Ayyad was closing up at the Bible Society in Gaza where he worked when armed men whisked him into a car and sped away. For hours, Ayyad’s whereabouts were unknown. Pauline, his wife and the mother of their three children-the last still in utero-finally got through to him on his cell phone.

He wasn’t able to say much, and she could tell something was wrong. It turned out to be the couple’s last conversation.

The Christmas Promise

Mindful of a coming sunrise, the Almighty entered His exotic Eden and began taking inventory. He was short two humans and one apple. Though God’s morning walk didn’t include a cup of coffee, it did conclude with talk of another cup, a distant cup. It would be the tallest cup among three on a shelf called Golgotha.

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