Business & Marketplace

Taking Care of Ashes

Matthew 6:1-24 Jesus tells us not to lay up treasures on this earth where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break in and steal; instead we are to lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust will not corrupt, and where thieves will not break through to steal. Whatever we treasure is what we give our heart and soul to keep. This exhortation of Jesus caused me to examine my own life and ask myself these questions: “Where is my treasure? Is it on earth, or is it in heaven?”

Bobby Conner

Dream Big … and Be Richly Rewarded!

Editor’s Note: Prophetic minister Bobby Conner posted the following article on his Web site,, in June. It is a word for believers to remember and to apply not only in this season but also throughout our lives.

Bobby ConnerThe Spirit of God is constantly seeking to plant new seeds of victory inside you. Why? He is enlarging your vision and increasing your capacity for faith, hope and love. God longs for you to dream big! Ephesians 3:20-21 assures us that our King, the Lord Jesus Christ, “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (NKJV).

The Greek word translated “exceedingly” here is a marvelous word—one that should bring unspeakable joy to our hearts. It is hyper! We know what it means to be hyper—to be hyperactive, hyperacute, hyperalert, hyperexcited or hypersensitive. We know that a hyperbole is an exaggeration of the truth.

Rick Hubbell

Your B.I.G. Dreams

Rick HubbellWell, today is the first day of the rest of your life, right? Let’s invest the remainder wisely.

If you are reading these words, know this, we have already been, and will continue to be praying for you, our readers. No hollow promises or lip service. No good intentions unfulfilled. You can absolutely count on it.

Now let’s talk about what I want you to consider right this minute. But do me a favor, in the busyness of your day, please find a way to engage your heart, otherwise, with your mind alone, you will miss what I am saying – guaranteed. Reading this would then just be another mental exercise, part of the blur of another seemingly average day filled with too much information. Hearts engage!

Developing Your Corporate Culture

by Barbara Wentroble   Identifying your core values gives others the opportunity to recognize that they may have similar distinctive. This allows them to understand the corporate culture of your organization. Someone recently shared with me about her experience while viewing our website. During her hospitalization, she read the core values we listed and realized …

Developing Your Corporate Culture Read More »

Does Your Walk Match Your Talk?

Ever wonder why some people don’t want to do business with Christians? It’s because they have become gun-shy: Either they themselves have been victimized by a deal gone sour or they have heard about shaky deals that have affected others. Christians have earned a reputation in the world for being undependable and lacking in character. …

Does Your Walk Match Your Talk? Read More »


No More Office Nightmares

comecleanDon’t let unrealistic expectations turn your work into misery. God’s purpose for you is a good one.

Many believers I know desire to work for a ministry or Christian company someday. Their goal is to work in an environment with praise music playing, co-workers praying and Scripture verses beautifully calligraphied on wall plaques. They imagine such a workplace as holy, peaceful and devoid of that common problem: difficult co-workers.

I wish this were the case, but until our Lord comes back we will always have some level of difficulty relating to co-workers, whether Christian or not. I have traveled the length and breadth of this nation and most of the world, worked with Christians and non-Christians alike and believe me, there is little difference in how personnel operate under pressure.

person sad at work

Why It’s So Easy to Misrepresent Christ at Work

Like it or not, people are watching you. Is your character pointing them to Jesus? We don’t have to scan far into today’s headlines to see that integrity is lacking in the marketplace. Scandals of fraud and mismanagement have rocked nearly every industry. Our society seems to have a high degree of tolerance for those …

Why It’s So Easy to Misrepresent Christ at Work Read More »

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