
The Ancient Mystery of the Bright Cross in the Sky

Recently, we discussed the phenomena of the wandering North Star which is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. The precession also causes the visible latitudes and corresponding altitudes of the stars to change over long periods of time. The Star Bible constellations, the 12 on the way, also known as the zodiac, and the …

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This Sign Will Appear in 2102—Does It Indicate Christ’s Quick Return?

Tonight at about 10, the ancient pole star Thuban (the Subtle) lines up with the Zenith and the current pole star Polaris (the Turned Upon). The cause of the wandering pole star is the precession of the equinoxes, which also causes the zodiacal constellations to move through the seasons in the prophetic celestial time clock. …

This Sign Will Appear in 2102—Does It Indicate Christ’s Quick Return? Read More »

Something dramatic, global and irreversible lies just ahead.

Are These Irreversible End-Times Signs Converging Right Now?

We live in the very first generation to see all the end-time signs converging. No other generation has witnessed such a massive stage-setting time as this. Jesus instructed His followers to look up when we see “these things,” for this generation will not pass before the fulfillment of “all these things” (Luke 21:28, 32). Sir …

Are These Irreversible End-Times Signs Converging Right Now? Read More »

The Surprising Spiritual Battle Over Biblical Archaeology

One of the great resources available to those interested in learning from the past is the Biblical Archaeology Review magazine. The BAR, as it is affectionately known, provides current information on historical and archaeological finds which impact the biblical lands. But the BAR is not the sedate scholarly magazine you might expect. Instead, interspersed between …

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Is This Constellation Pointing to the Heavenly Harvester’s Quick Return?

This week, the constellation Bootes (The Coming One) will be high in the eastern sky, reaching zenith around midnight. Bootes is associated with the zodiacal constellation Virgo. (The Virgin), which tells of the promised seed of woman, Jesus. The other constellations associated with Virgo show a picture of Jesus as a child (Coma Berenices) and …

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Do the Stars Confirm God’s Victorious Isaiah 14 Promise?

This week, we will have one of the best opportunities of the year to view the planet Mercury. Mercury is one of the “seven planets” that were visible to the ancients. The fourth day of the week, Wednesday, is named in English after the Norse god corresponding to Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes. The planet …

Do the Stars Confirm God’s Victorious Isaiah 14 Promise? Read More »

God doesn't need scientists' help to declare His glory.

Why God Doesn’t Need Scientists to Prove His Miracle-Working Power

Last week it was announced with much fanfare that seven new Earth-sized planets, three within the “habitable zone” for life, had been found orbiting a dwarf star only 40 light years away. Scientists looking for extra-terrestrial life were giddy with excitement. Space aliens may be watching our TV reruns from the ’70s out there, but …

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The heavens declare the glory of God—and tell His story.

What the Aquarius Constellation Teaches Us About Pentecost—and the End Times

The New Age people have falsely tried to promote the idea that we are entering a new age of peace and brotherhood—the Age of Aquarius. The real Age of Aquarius is represented in the zodiac constellation of Aquarius (the water pourer), which slips behind the sun on Feb. 18. Aquarius is the sixth chapter of …

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God finger

Genetics Expert Confirms the Reality of Adam and Eve

Modern-day DNA research is confirming the biblical account of Adam and Eve, according to one genetics expert.  Answers in Genesis’ Georgia Purdom has recently released a documentary explaining her findings and the scientific support for the records presented in Genesis.  “One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial …

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Demon witchcraft

Why Evil Disproves Atheism

As Islamists continue to kill innocents, they provide more fuel for the oft-made atheist claim that religion is evil. Atheist Richard Dawkins condemned the recent attacks in France by tweeting, “No, all religions are NOT equally violent. Some have never been violent, some gave it up centuries ago. One religion conspicuously didn’t.” Dawkins is right …

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