
Everything You Need to Know About Jonathan Cahn’s Latest Book, ‘The Oracle’

New York Times‘ best-selling author Jonathan Cahn, about whom The New York Times recently wrote in an in-depth, three-page feature article, has written several smash-hit books topping many best-seller lists, and devoted readers clamor for his work. Now, Cahn is releasing his newest, much-anticipated book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, on Sept. 3. The …

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Does the Book of Enoch Offer Important Insight Into God’s Prophetic Calendar?

This week on April 6, we celebrate the beginning of the Jewish sacred year. The Lord Himself specified that the sacred year would begin in the spring at the time of the Exodus (Ex. 12:2). In Egypt, the new year had begun in mid-July when the bright star Sirius rose in conjunction with the annual …

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Archaeologists Unearth ‘Suburb’ From the Time of Jesus

New building construction in Israel often yields ancient treasures. That’s the case in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sharafat. Israeli archaeologists uncovered a Jewish village from the around the time of Jesus in this Jerusalem Arab neighborhood as part of what’s called a salvage excavation—an excavation conducted while preparing the site for a new elementary school. …

Archaeologists Unearth ‘Suburb’ From the Time of Jesus Read More »

Billy Graham’s Grandson Offers the Most Convincing Proof the Bible Is Real

Evangelist Will Graham comes from a well-known family line of famous preachers. His grandfather, the late Rev. Billy Graham, and his dad, Franklin Graham, have both made a monumental impact across the globe. Will Graham is following in their footsteps as he preaches, teaches and carries on the family legacy of spreading the Christian gospel. …

Billy Graham’s Grandson Offers the Most Convincing Proof the Bible Is Real Read More »

Archaeologists Dig Up Definitive Proof of Biblical People, Miracles in Ancient City of Shiloh

Driving along the route known as the Way of the Patriarchs in Samaria, the heart of biblical Israel, you’ll come to ancient Shiloh. The Bible says this is the place where Joshua parceled out the promised land to the 12 tribes of Israel. It’s also where the tabernacle of the Lord stood for more than …

Archaeologists Dig Up Definitive Proof of Biblical People, Miracles in Ancient City of Shiloh Read More »

How You Can Experience Psalm 19 for Yourself This Week

This week on January 2, 3 and 4, the morning stars tell their story just before sunrise. The “Morning Star” Mercury is one of the “Seven Planets” which were visible to the ancients. The fourth day of the week, Wednesday, is named in English after the Norse god corresponding to Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes. …

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Did Scientists Just Confirm the Biblical Account of Sodom and Gomorrah?

“Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It was from the Lord out of heaven” Genesis 19:24 A recent scientific study confirmed what students of the Bible have known all along: a catastrophe from the heavens destroyed all life in the area of the Dead Sea many thousands of years ago. …

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Historical Evidence: A Virgin Really Did Give Birth to Jesus

Believing in Jesus Christ and His miraculous birth does not require the so-called “blind leap of faith,” for there is as much evidence for the virgin birth of Christ as any event of ancient history. It is not lack of evidence that keeps people from believing in the virgin birth, but a predisposed bias against …

Historical Evidence: A Virgin Really Did Give Birth to Jesus Read More »

Can the Stars Tell Us When Exactly Jesus Was Born?

Most Christians don’t know that Christmas was set on Dec. 25, the ancient Roman winter solstice date, to displace a pagan holiday celebrating the birth of a pagan false “seed of woman” god. While the winter solstice is an important element in the celestial signs of Christ’s Advent, careful study of the Scriptures, history and …

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The Sick, Twisted Meaning Behind Halloween’s Jack-O’-Lanterns

The upcoming Halloween celebration dates back to the Druids, who used the holiday for various pagan religious practices including human sacrifice. There is nothing Christian about it. Yet there is one interesting story about the Halloween celebration that illustrates how the pagans tried to appropriate the stars into their religions. It is the story of …

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Sign of the Times? Comet Hurtles Toward Earth During Feast of Trumpets

A small comet, 21-P/Giancobini-Zinner, will make its closest approach to Earth during the week of the Feast of Trumpets. The Hebrew Feast of Trumpets occurs on the first day of the seventh month of the religious year. It is also the first day of the Hebrew secular year and is also known as Rosh Hashanah, …

Sign of the Times? Comet Hurtles Toward Earth During Feast of Trumpets Read More »

How Nature Speaks of the First Messianic Prophecy in the Bible

It’s high summer, and the famous summer triangle is rising high in the evening sky. The summer triangle is not a constellation, but is an easily recognizable trio of bright stars. It also outlines the Star Bible theme of Genesis 3:15: The seed of woman will be bruised in the heel and will crush the …

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