CPN Articles

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Casting A Demon Out of An Infant—How To Deal With Demonic Roots

Read Time: 3 Minutes, 25 Seconds Recently during one of our miracle crusades, a frantic mother brought her infant child to me for prayer. The poor little baby was grievously ill, and its mother stood before me clutching it into her chest. Immediately, the Holy Ghost revealed to me that this sickness was the result …

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Walking in the Spirit

Consider the Source  God is our source. All the good in our lives comes from Him. It may go through your hard work; it may be spoken from your parent’s mouth or funded by a Christian brother or sister, but do not  get confused. The hand of God is where all good things originate no matter what other hands they pass through.   “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,  who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17, NIV  You never know when God will get you over your situation through someone who gets under your skin. God may show you how to love through your unsaved co-worker who taps her pen  non-stop all day long. He may plug you into your perfect spot by letting the last two promotions go to people who have less experience. You may leave yourself with next to nothing by giving so  much to others and then slip on your jeans and find a couple of twenties in the pocket. Keep your heart and mind open, accepting God’s thing however He chooses to deliver it. And do not forget  to give your Creator all the credit.  Your employer might write your check, but the Lord gives you the ability to do the work. God also provides you with the health you need to make wealth, the mind to be creative, the gifts and  talents, the way you see things, your perspective – all God. You are not entitled to anything, but through Christ, you will have everything you need to fulfill His plan for your life. Be thankful;  don’t take any good thing for granted, and in all things, consider your Source.  Carlos Rivera serves with his wife Rosalinda Rivera as Executive Director of New Life for Adults and Youth. This impactful ministry has offered both hope and help to troubled and addicted young  people and their despairing families for more than 50 years and has a long history of success in both outreach and residential programs. This faith-based ministry has recovery homes for men, women, and  …

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Two Secrets About God’s Provision

Read time: 3 minutes 41 seconds I was always a good student.  But as a teenager I did not have much interest in or the money to go to college.  My parents encouraged me to go, so in obedience to them, I started the process.  I applied for scholarships to a few schools, but things were not looking good.  Then my high  school nominated me for recognition as a top student to the local paper.  A private college in  the city offered the top nominees a full scholarship!  I hadn’t even applied to that school  because it was too expensive!  But God provided a way for me to be where He wanted me to be  – before I even knew I would be there.    Mary was just a teenager when she became the mother of Jesus. After giving birth in a stable in  Bethlehem, Joseph found a house where they could live.  We don’t know exactly how long they  were there, but it could have been up to two years.  That is where the Magi found them.  God  had led them from a great distance to see the King of Kings.  And they brought gifts – valuable  gifts!     Many believe the gifts foretold the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus.  But they also played a  practical role in the lives of Joseph, Mary and Jesus.  For as soon as the Magi left, an angel told  Joseph to take his family and flee to Egypt!  They needed resources for that hasty journey and to  support them in a foreign land.  God had provided through the Magi before Joseph and Mary  even knew they would need it!    So, here is secret number one. God knows our needs long before we do. Romans 8:32 is a great  encouragement, it says, “since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all,  won’t he also give us everything else?”  If we will be diligent to walk with Him, we will always  have what we need.  There is a saying that goes, “where God guides, He always provides.” And it  is true.    There are times when provision comes miraculously, like the manna that God gave the Israelites  in the wilderness.  But, here is secret number two, He often provides through His people. He wants to use us to provide for others, like He used the Magi. Jesus, Himself, said “it is more  blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).      …

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Healing and Miracles Are Not Just for End Times, But Also Now

I notice several ministers/and or Christian people will post on their social media or even preach that Jesus will be healing the sick with signs, wonders and great miracles in the future. They say things like legs and arms and stumps will be growing out. They say in the future greater things will be happening. …

Healing and Miracles Are Not Just for End Times, But Also Now Read More »

Financial Prosperity from Spiritual Prosperity

Read Time: 1 Minute, 49 Seconds In my years as a banker, real estate developer and Pastor, I have met with thousands of individuals. Most desired to prosper financially, however, few were seeking the combination of spiritual and financial prosperity. According to the Bible, we know that Christians are promised the abundant life. The word …

Financial Prosperity from Spiritual Prosperity Read More »

What the Placebo Effect Shows Us About the Miraculous

All day long according to science your body is tirelessly thwarting nasty unseen organisms called germs, bacteria, and viruses. In a healthy body we don’t even think about it. Science attributes our health to the immune system. We, as Christian’s attribute good health to God, because he created the human body. Carnal-minded scientists won’t attribute …

What the Placebo Effect Shows Us About the Miraculous Read More »

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