
The Spiritual Force Choking the Life Out of the Church

Earlier this week I spoke at a leadership conference for a group of pastors in El Salvador. These pastors face a lot of spiritual challenges in their culture: Drug addiction among youth, alcoholism, idolatry and rampant witchcraft. But I had to tell these pastors that the biggest challenge to their churches is not something outside—it …

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The Phineas Factor

The Stunning Bible Connection Between The Overturning of Abortion, COVID, and Revival in America Could an act performed in a middle eastern desert three thousand years ago provide the key to a modern phenomenon that changed our lives? Could a Scripture that appeared to Jonathan Cahn while waiting for a plane at an airport provide …

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10 Signs of the Lack of a Biblical Worldview

Throughout the years, I have discovered that the average Christian and a large number of church ministers lack a biblical worldview (BWV). BWV refers to interpreting every aspect of life through the lens of Scripture, i.e., your view of politics, the sanctity of life, marriage, economics, education, science, and law derived from biblical principles. Here …

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Releasing God’s Goodness Into Your Heart Like Never Before

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (NIV). The Bible has a lot to say about your heart; not your physical heart, but what’s going on inside of you—your thoughts, motives and desires. These “hidden” things are important because they eventually come out through your words, attitudes …

Releasing God’s Goodness Into Your Heart Like Never Before Read More »

Stephen Strang: Let Investigation Find the Truth on Mike Bickle

Some leaders at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City have called for an independent, third-party investigation into charges of “clergy sexual abuse” brought last week against Mike Bickle who founded the ministry. I wholeheartedly agree with the need for an independent investigation because the truth must come out, and often it’s hard to …

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Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End-Times Mystery of Israel and Hamas

When it comes to unlocking ancient mysteries in our day, there is no one better than Jonathan Cahn. Not only is he an eight-time “New York Times” bestselling author, but he also is greatly in tune with what the Holy Spirit is revealing to him about the events happening in our current time. One of Jonathan’s …

Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End-Times Mystery of Israel and Hamas Read More »

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